Classpublic class HTMLOptionsCollection
InheritanceHTMLOptionsCollection Inheritance Object

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

An HTMLOptionsCollection is a list of nodes representing HTML option element. An individual node may be accessed by either ordinal index or the node's name or id attributes.

Note: Collections in the HTML DOM are assumed to be live meaning that they are automatically updated when the underlying document is changed.

See also

MDC: HTMLOptionsCollection
W3C DOM HTML Specification: HTMLOptionsCollection

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  DOM 2 HTML length : Number
This attribute specifies the length or size of the list.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
DOM 2 HTML item(index:Number):Node
This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index.
DOM 2 HTML namedItem(name:DOMString):Node
This method retrieves a Node using a name.
Property Detail
DOM 2 HTML lengthproperty

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

This attribute specifies the length or size of the list.

    public function get length():Number
    public function set length(value:Number):void

DOMException — NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: if setting the length is not allowed by the implementation.

See also

Method Detail
DOM 2 HTML item()method
public function item(index:Number):Node

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index. Nodes are numbered in tree order (depth-first traversal order).


index:Number — The index of the node to be fetched. The index origin is 0

Node — The Node at the corresponding position upon success. A value of null is returned if the index is out of range.

See also

DOM 2 HTML namedItem()method 
public function namedItem(name:DOMString):Node

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

This method retrieves a Node using a name. It first searches for a Node with a matching id attribute. If it doesn't find one, it then searches for a Node with a matching name attribute, but only on those elements that are allowed a name attribute. This method is case insensitive in HTML documents and case sensitive in XHTML documents.


name:DOMString — The name of the Node to be fetched.

Node — The Node with a name or id attribute whose value corresponds to the specified string. Upon failure (e.g., no node with this name exists), returns null.

See also