 AbstractView DOM 2 Views 
dom.views A base interface that all views shall derive from.
 Attr DOM 1 Core 
dom.core This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object.
 BarProp HTML 5 
dom.objects To allow Web pages to integrate with Web browsers, certain Web browser interface elements are exposed in a limited way to scripts in Web pages.
 CDATASection DOM 1 Core 
dom.core A CDATA Section can be used within XML to include extended portions of unescaped text, such that the symbols < and & do not need escaping as they normally do within XML when used as text.
 CharacterData DOM 1 Core 
dom.core Provides text manipulation methods that are used by several objects.
 CharacterDataEditVAL DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation When validating CharacterData nodes, the NodeEditVAL.nodeValidity operation must find the nearest parent node in order to do this; if no parent node is found, VAL_UNKNOWN is returned.
 Comment DOM 1 Core 
dom.core A comment is used to add notations within markup.
dom.validation Content type constants stored in ElementEditVAL.
 Counter DOM 2 Style The Counter interface is used to represent any counter or counters function value.
 CRMFRequest Non-Standard 
dom.objects RFC 4211, the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF), defines a certReqMessage.
 Crypto Non-Standard 
dom.objects Mozilla defines a special JavaScript object to allow web pages access to certain cryptographic related services.
 CSS2Properties DOM 2 Style INCOMPLETE The CSS2Properties interface represents a convenience mechanism for retrieving and setting properties within a CSSStyleDeclaration.
 CSSCharsetRule DOM 2 Style The CSSCharsetRule interface represents a @charset rule in a CSS style sheet.
 CSSFontFaceRule DOM 2 Style The CSSFontFaceRule interface represents a @font-face rule in a CSS style sheet.
 CSSImportRule DOM 2 Style The CSSImportRule interface represents a @import rule within a CSS style sheet.
 CSSMediaRule DOM 2 Style The CSSMediaRule interface represents a @media rule in a CSS style sheet.
 CSSPageRule DOM 2 Style The CSSPageRule interface represents a @page rule within a CSS style sheet.
 CSSPrimitiveValue DOM 2 Style The CSSPrimitiveValue interface represents a single CSS value.
 CSSRule DOM 2 Style The CSSRule interface is the abstract base interface for any type of CSS statement.
 CSSRuleList DOM 2 Style The CSSRuleList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of CSS rules.
 CSSStyleDeclaration DOM 2 Style The CSSStyleDeclaration interface represents a single CSS declaration block.
 CSSStyleRule DOM 2 Style The CSSStyleRule interface represents a single rule set in a CSS style sheet.
 CSSStyleSheet DOM 2 Style The CSSStyleSheet interface is a concrete interface used to represent a CSS style sheet i.e., a style sheet whose content type is "text/css".
 CSSUnknownRule DOM 2 Style The CSSUnknownRule interface represents an at-rule not supported by this user agent.
 CSSValue DOM 2 Style The CSSValue interface represents a simple or a complex value.
 CSSValueList DOM 2 Style The CSSValueList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of CSS values.
 CustomEvent DOM 3 Events The CustomEvent interface is the recommended interface for application-specific event types.
 Document DOM 0 
dom.core In the DOM, the document object provides a general way to represent HTML, XHTML, and XML documents.
 DocumentCSS DOM 2 Style This interface represents a document with a CSS view.
 DocumentEditVAL DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation An object implementing this interface must also implement the Document interface.
 DocumentEvent DOM 2 Events The DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event object of a type supported by the implementation.
 DocumentEventGroup DOM 3 Events The DocumentEventGroup interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an EventGroup of a type supported by the implementation.
 DocumentFragment DOM 1 Core 
dom.core A DocumentFragment is a minimal document object that has no parent.
 DocumentLS DOM 3 Load and Save Obsolete 
dom.loadsave The DocumentLS interface provides a mechanism by which the content of a document can be replaced with the DOM tree produced when loading a URI, or parsing a string.
 DocumentRange DOM 2 TR Contains a method to create a range object.
 DocumentStyle DOM 2 Style The DocumentStyle interface provides a mechanism by which the style sheets embedded in a document can be retrieved.
 DocumentTraversal DOM 2 TR Contains methods that create iterators and tree-walkers to traverse a node and its children in document order.
 DocumentType DOM 1 Core 
dom.core Each Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.
 DocumentView CSSOM View 
cssom.view Has a method that gives position information about an Element node relative to the Document.
 DocumentView DOM 2 Views 
dom.views The DocumentView interface is implemented by Document objects in DOM implementations supporting DOM Views.
 DOMConfiguration DOM 3 Core 
dom.core Used by Document.normalizeDocument(), and DOM Level 3 DOMParser() and DOMSerializer.
 DOMError DOM 3 Core 
dom.core DOMError is an interface that describes an error.
 DOMErrorHandler DOM 3 Core 
dom.core DOMErrorHandler is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while processing XML data, or when doing some other processing (e.g.
 DOMException DOM 1 Core 
dom.core DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances.
 DOMImplementation DOM 1 Core 
dom.core The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model.
 DOMImplementationCSS DOM 2 Style This interface allows the DOM user to create a CSSStyleSheet outside the context of a document.
 DOMImplementationList DOM 3 Core 
dom.core Returned by DOMImplementationSource.getDOMImplementationList() and DOMImplementationRegistry.getDOMImplementationList().
 DOMImplementationLS DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave DOMImplementationLS contains the factory methods for creating Load and Save objects.
 DOMImplementationLSMode DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave Integer parser mode constants.
 DOMImplementationRegistry DOM 3 Core 
dom.core This is a global variable used to get a single DOMImplementation or DOMImplementationList depending on the registered objects with the specified features.
 DOMImplementationSource DOM 3 Core 
dom.core This interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specified in DOM Features.
 DOMLocator DOM 3 Core 
dom.core Indicates a location such as where an error occurred.
 DOMObject DOM 0 
dom.core.types A DOMObject represents an object reference.
 DOMString DOM 0 
dom.core.types A DOMString is a sequence of 16-bit units.
 DOMStringList DOM 3 Core 
dom.core The DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOMString values, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
 DOMTimeStamp DOM 2 Core 
dom.core.types A DOMTimeStamp represents a number of milliseconds.
 DOMUserData DOM 3 Core 
dom.core.types A DOMUserData represents a reference to application data.
dom.core The Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document.
 ElementCSSInlineStyle DOM 2 Style Inline style information attached to elements is exposed through the style attribute.
 ElementEditVAL DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation This interface also has attributes that are a NameList of elements or attributes which can appear in the specified context.
 ElementTraversal Element Traversal 
elementtraversal Allows script navigation of the elements of a DOM tree, excluding all other nodes in the DOM, such as text nodes.
 ElementView CSSOM View 
cssom.view Has properties and methods that give information about the dimensions of an Element node (HTML tag).
 Entity DOM 1 Core 
dom.core This interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.
 EntityReference DOM 1 Core 
dom.core Read-only reference to an entity reference in the DOM tree.
 Event DOM 2 Events The Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the listener processing the event.
 EventException DOM 2 Events Event operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.
 EventExceptionCode DOM 2 Events An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 EventGroup DOM 3 Events The EventGroup interface functions primarily as a placeholder for separating the event flows when there are multiple groups of listeners for a DOM tree.
 EventListener DOM 2 Events The EventListener interface is the primary way for handling events.
 EventTarget DOM 2 Events The EventTarget interface is implemented by all the objects which could be event targets in an implementation which supports an event flow.
 EventTargetGroup DOM 3 Events The EventTargetGroup interface is implemented by the same set of objects that implement the EventTarget interface, namely all EventTargets in in implementation which supports the Event model and the EventGroup extension.
 ExceptionCode DOM 1 Core 
dom.core An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 ExceptionVAL DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation Some Validation operations may throw an ExceptionVAL as described in their descriptions.
 ExceptionVALCode DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 History DOM 0 
dom.objects Contains information about the URLs visited by the client.
dom.html The anchor element.
 HTMLAppletElement  Deprecated 
dom.html An embedded Java applet.
dom.html Client-side image map area definition.
dom.html Document base URI [IETF RFC 2396].
dom.html Base font.
dom.html The HTML document body.
dom.html Force a line break.
dom.html Push button.
 HTMLCollection DOM 1 HTML 
dom.html.objects An HTMLCollection is a list of nodes.
dom.html Directory list.
dom.html Generic block container.
dom.html Definition list.
 HTMLDocument DOM 0 
dom.html An HTMLDocument is the root of the HTML hierarchy and holds the entire content.
dom.html All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
dom.html Organizes form controls into logical groups.
dom.html Local change to font.
dom.html The FORM element encompasses behavior similar to a collection and an element.
dom.html Create a frame.
dom.html Create a grid of frames.
dom.html Document head information.
dom.html For the H1 to H6 elements.
dom.html Create a horizontal rule.
dom.html Root of an HTML document.
dom.html Inline subwindows.
dom.html Embedded image.
dom.html Form control.
dom.html This element is used for single-line text input.
dom.html Form field label text.
dom.html Provides a caption for a FIELDSET grouping.
dom.html List item.
dom.html The LINK element specifies a link to an external resource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource (or vice versa).
dom.html Client-side image map.
dom.html Menu list.
dom.html This contains generic meta-information about the document.
dom.html Notice of modification to part of a document.
dom.html Generic embedded object.
dom.html Ordered list.
dom.html Group options together in logical subdivisions.
dom.html A selectable choice.
 HTMLOptionsCollection DOM 2 HTML 
dom.html.objects An HTMLOptionsCollection is a list of nodes representing HTML option element.
dom.html Paragraphs.
dom.html Parameters fed to the OBJECT element.
dom.html Preformatted text.
dom.html For the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.
dom.html Script statements.
dom.html The select element allows the selection of an option.
dom.html Style information.
dom.html Table caption.
dom.html The object used to represent the TH and TD elements.
dom.html Regroups the COL and COLGROUP elements.
dom.html The createand deletemethods on the table allow authors to construct and modify tables.
dom.html A row in a table.
dom.html The THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements.
dom.html Multi-line text field.
dom.html The document title.
dom.html Unordered list.
 KeyboardEvent DOM 3 Events The KeyboardEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with keyboard devices.
 KeyEvent DOM 3 Events The KeyEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Key Events.
 LinkStyle DOM 2 Style The LinkStyle interface provides a mechanism by which a style sheet can be retrieved from the node responsible for linking it into a document.
 Location DOM 0 
dom.objects Contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL.
 LSExceptionCode DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 LSInput DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSInputStream DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave.types A LSInputStream represents a reference to a byte stream source of an XML input.
 LSLoadEvent DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSOutput DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSOutputStream DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave.types A LSOutputStream represents a byte stream destination for the XML output.
 LSParser DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave An interface to an object that is able to build, or augment, a DOM tree from various input sources.
 LSParserFilter DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSProgressEvent DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave This interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed.
 LSReader DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave.types A LSReader represents a character stream for the XML input.
 LSResourceResolver DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSSerializer DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSSerializerFilter DOM 3 Load and Save 
 LSWriter DOM 3 Load and Save 
dom.loadsave.types A LSWriter represents a character stream for the XML output.
 Media CSSOM View 
cssom.view Should be an object returned by the property, although I haven't found any browsers that support this.
 MediaList DOM 2 Style The MediaList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of media, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
 MessageEvent HTML 5 Messages in server-sent events, Web sockets, cross-document messaging, and channel messaging use the message event.
 MessagePort HTML 5 
dom.objects Each channel has two message ports.
 MessagePortArray HTML 5 
dom.objects A typed array containing only MessagePorts
 MimeType DOM 0 
dom.objects A MIME type (Multipart Internet Mail Extension) supported by the client.
 MimeTypeArray DOM 0 
dom.objects Contains a list of MimeType objects representing the MIME types recognized by the browser.
 MouseEvent DOM 2 Events The MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.
 MouseEvent The DOMMouseScroll event is sent when the mouse wheel is moved.
 MouseEventView CSSOM View 
cssom.view Used to calculate the mouse position relative to the page or screen.
 MouseMultiWheelEvent DOM 3 Events The MouseMultiWheelEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with mouse multi wheel events.
 MouseWheelEvent DOM 3 Events The MouseWheelEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with mouse wheel events.
 MutationEvent DOM 2 Events The MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.
 MutationNameEvent DOM 3 Events The MutationNameEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation name event types.
 NamedNodeMap DOM 1 Core 
dom.core Objects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name.
 NameList DOM 3 Core 
dom.core The NameList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could be null values), without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
 Navigator DOM 0 
dom.objects Contains information about the application running the script.
 NavigatorAbilities HTML 5 
dom.objects Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorAbilities interface.
 NavigatorID HTML 5 
dom.objects Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorID interface.
 NavigatorOnLine HTML 5 
dom.objects Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorOnLine interface.
 Node DOM 1 Core 
dom.core A Node is an interface from which a number of DOM types inherit, and allows these various types to be treated (or tested) similarly.
 NodeEditVAL DOM 3 Validation 
dom.validation This interface is similar to the DOM Level 3 Core Node interface, with methods for guided document editing.
 NodeFilter DOM 2 TR Filters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes.
 NodeIterator DOM 2 TR Allows you to iterate over the members of a list of the nodes in a subtree of the DOM, in document order.
 NodeList DOM 1 Core 
dom.core The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
 NodeSelector Selectors API 
selectors Objects implementing any of the Document, DocumentFragment or Element interfaces, as defined in DOM Level 3 Core, must also implement the NodeSelector interface.
 Notation DOM 1 Core 
dom.core This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.
gecko Where possible, element.getClientRects and element.getBoundingClientRect should be used instead.
gecko nsIURI is an interface for an uniform resource identifier with internationalization support, offering attributes that allow setting and querying the basic components of a URI, and methods for performing basic operations on URIs.
 Pkcs11 DOM 0 
dom.objects PKCS11 modules are external modules which provide access to smart-card readers, biometric security devices, or external certificate stores.
 Plugin DOM 0 
dom.objects A plug-in module installed on the client.
 PluginArray DOM 0 
dom.objects Contains a list of Plugins objects loaded in the browser.
 ProcessingInstruction DOM 1 Core 
dom.core A processing instruction provides an opportunity for application-specific instructions to be embedded within XML and which can be ignored by XML processors which do not support processing their instructions (outside of their having a place in the DOM).
 Range DOM 2 TR The Range object represents a fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes in a given document.
 RangeException DOM 2 TR Range operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.
 RangeExceptionCode DOM 2 TR An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 RangeView CSSOM View 
cssom.view Has properties and methods that give information about the dimensions of a Range.
 Rect DOM 2 Style The Rect interface is used to represent any rect value.
 RGBColor DOM 2 Style The RGBColor interface is used to represent any RGB color value.
 Screen CSSOM View 
cssom.view Has properties that hold information about the screen.
 Selection DOM 0 
dom.objects Selection is the class of the object returned by window.getSelection() and other methods.
 Storage Web Storage 
webstorage The DOM Storage mechanism is a means through which string key/value pairs can be securely stored and later retrieved for use.
 StorageEvent Web Storage 
webstorage Is fired when a storage area changes
 StyleSheet DOM 2 Style The StyleSheet interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet.
 StyleSheetList DOM 2 Style The StyleSheetList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of style sheets.
 Text DOM 1 Core 
dom.core The Text interface represents the textual content of an Element or Attr.
 TextEvent DOM 3 Events The TextEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Text Events.
 TextRectangle CSSOM View 
cssom.view Objects implementing the TextRectangle interface represent a rectangular box.
 TextRectangleList CSSOM View 
cssom.view A collection of TextRectangle objects returned by the getClientRects method.
 TreeWalker DOM 2 TR Represents the nodes of a document subtree and a position within them.
 TypeInfo DOM 3 Core 
dom.core The TypeInfo interface represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas associated with the document.
 UIEvent DOM 2 Events The UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.
 UserDataHandler DOM 3 Core 
dom.core When associating user data with a key on a node, Node.setUserData() can also accept, in its third argument, a handler which will be called when the object is cloned, imported, deleted, renamed, or adopted.
 UserProfile Non-Standard Obsolete 
dom.objects Provides methods that allow a script to request read access to and perform read actions on a user's profile information.
dom.validation Validation state constants stored in NodeEditVAL.
dom.validation Validation type constants stored in NodeEditVAL.
 ViewCSS DOM 2 Style This interface represents a CSS view.
dom Must proxy all operations to the Window object of the browsing context's active document.
 WindowView CSSOM View 
cssom.view Has properties that hold the dimensions of the entire browser window.
 XPathEvaluator DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath The evaluation of XPath expressions is provided by XPathEvaluator.
 XPathException DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath A new exception has been created for exceptions specific to these XPath interfaces.
 XPathExceptionCode DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath An integer indicating the type of error generated.
 XPathExpression DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath The XPathExpression interface represents a parsed and resolved XPath expression.
 XPathNamespace DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath The XPathNamespace interface is returned by XPathResult interfaces to represent the XPath namespace node type that DOM lacks.
 XPathNSResolver DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath The XPathNSResolver interface permit prefix strings in the expression to be properly bound to namespaceURI strings.
 XPathResult DOM 3 XPath 
dom.xpath The XPathResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath 1.0 expression within the context of a particular node.