Interfacepublic interface EventGroup

Introduced in: DOM 3 Events 

The EventGroup interface functions primarily as a placeholder for separating the event flows when there are multiple groups of listeners for a DOM tree.

EventListeners can be registered without an EventGroup using the existing EventTarget interface, or with an associated EventGroup using the new EventTargetGroup interface. When an event is dispatched, it is dispatched independently to each EventGroup. In particular, the stopPropagation method of the Event interface only stops propagation within an EventListener's associated EventGroup.

Note: This is from DOM 3 Events Working Draft 10 (April 2001) and has since been deprecated in Working Draft 21 (December 2007)

See also

W3C - DOM 3 Events: EventGroup

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
DOM 3 Events isSameEventGroup(eventGroup:EventGroup):Boolean
This method checks if the supplied EventGroup is the same as the EventGroup upon which the method is called.
Method Detail
DOM 3 Events isSameEventGroup()method
public function isSameEventGroup(eventGroup:EventGroup):Boolean

Introduced in: DOM 3 Events 

This method checks if the supplied EventGroup is the same as the EventGroup upon which the method is called.


eventGroup:EventGroup — The EventGroup with which to check equality.

Boolean — Returns true if the EventGroups are equal, else returns false.

See also