A plug-in module installed on the client.
A plug-in is a software module that the browser can invoke to display specialized types of
embedded data within the browser. The user can obtain a list of installed plug-ins by choosing
About Plug-ins from the Help menu.
Each Plugin object is itself array containing one element for each MIME type supported by the
plug-in. Each element of the array is a MimeType object. For example, the following code displays
the type and description properties of the first Plugin object's first MimeType object.
document.writeln('myMimeType.type is ',myMimeType.type,"<BR>")
document.writeln('myMimeType.description is ',myMimeType.description
The preceding code displays output similar to the following:
myMimeType.type is video/quicktime
myMimeType.description is QuickTime for Windows
A description of the plug-in.
Implementation public function get description():DOMString
Example filename:DOMString
Name of the plug-in file on disk.
Implementation public function get filename():DOMString
Example length:DOMString
Number of elements in the plug-in's array of MimeType objects.
Implementation public function get length():DOMString
Name of the plug-in.
Implementation public function get name():DOMString
Example public function item(index:Number):MimeType
Retrieves a MimeType by index.
| index:Number — Index of the MimeType
ReturnsSee also
public function nameItem(name:DOMString):MimeType
Retrives a MimeType by name.
ReturnsSee also
Mon Aug 17 2009, 10:08 AM -04:00