 MessagePort HTML 5  Each channel has two message ports.
 MessagePortArray HTML 5  A typed array containing only MessagePorts
 NavigatorAbilities HTML 5  Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorAbilities interface.
 NavigatorID HTML 5  Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorID interface.
 NavigatorOnLine HTML 5  Objects implementing the Navigator interface must also implement the NavigatorOnLine interface.
 BarProp HTML 5  To allow Web pages to integrate with Web browsers, certain Web browser interface elements are exposed in a limited way to scripts in Web pages.
 CRMFRequest Non-Standard  RFC 4211, the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF), defines a certReqMessage.
 Crypto Non-Standard  Mozilla defines a special JavaScript object to allow web pages access to certain cryptographic related services.
 History DOM 0  Contains information about the URLs visited by the client.
 Location DOM 0  Contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL.
 MimeType DOM 0  A MIME type (Multipart Internet Mail Extension) supported by the client.
 MimeTypeArray DOM 0  Contains a list of MimeType objects representing the MIME types recognized by the browser.
 Navigator DOM 0  Contains information about the application running the script.
 Pkcs11 DOM 0  PKCS11 modules are external modules which provide access to smart-card readers, biometric security devices, or external certificate stores.
 Plugin DOM 0  A plug-in module installed on the client.
 PluginArray DOM 0  Contains a list of Plugins objects loaded in the browser.
 Selection DOM 0  Selection is the class of the object returned by window.getSelection() and other methods.
 UserProfile Non-Standard Obsolete  Provides methods that allow a script to request read access to and perform read actions on a user's profile information.