Classpublic class Window
InheritanceWindow Inheritance Object
Implements ViewCSS, AbstractView, WindowView, EventTarget
Subclasses WindowProxy


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
   applicationCache : nsIDOMOfflineResourceList
[read-only] Non-Standard | Firefox 3+ Returns a reference to the application cache object for the window.
   closed : Boolean
[read-only] DOM Level 0 This property indicates whether the referenced window is closed or not.
   Components : nsIXPCComponents
[read-only] Non-Standard | Firefox The Components object is the object through which XPConnect functionality is reflected into JavaScript.
   content : Window
[read-only] Non-Standard | Firefox Returns a Window object for the primary content window.
   crypto : Crypto
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the browser crypto object, which can then be used to manipulate various browser security features.
   defaultStatus : DOMString
DOM Level 0 Gets/sets the status bar text for the given window.
   directories : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the window directories toolbar object.
   document : DocumentView
[read-only] The source DocumentView of which this is an AbstractView.
   frameElement : Element
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the element (such as <iframe> or <object>) in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is top-level.
   frames : Array
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns an array-like object, listing the direct sub-frames of the current window.
   fullScreen : Boolean
DOM Level 0 | Firefox 3+ This property indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not.
   globalStorage : Object
[read-only] Non-Standard | Firefox 2 This is a global object (globalStorage) that maintains multiple private storage areas that can be used to hold data over a long period of time (e.g.
   history : History
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the History object, which provides an interface for manipulating the browser session history (pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in).
  HTML 5 innerHeight : Number
[read-only] Height of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar.
  HTML 5 innerWidth : Number
[read-only] Width of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the vertical scrollbar.
   length : Number
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the number of frames (either frame or iframe elements) in the window.
   localStorage : Storage
[read-only] Web Storage This is a global object that maintains multiple private storage areas that can be used to hold data over a long period of time (e.g.
   location : Location
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL.
   locationbar : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the locationbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
  HTML 5 media : Media
[read-only] Returns an Media object.
   menubar : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the menubar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
   name : DOMString
DOM Level 0 Gets/sets the name of the window.
   navigator : Navigator
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the navigator object, which can be queried for information about the application running the script.
   onabort : Function
An event handler for abort events sent to the window.
   onbeforeunload : Function
An event that fires before the unload event when the page is unloaded.
   onblur : Function
DOM Level 0 The onblur property can be used to set the blur handler on the window, which is triggered when the window loses focus.
   onchange : Function
An event handler for change events sent to the window.
   onclick : Function
Called when the user clicks the mouse button while the cursor is in the window.
   onclose : Function
An event handler for close events sent to the window.
   oncontextmenu : Function
An event handler property for right-click events on the window.
   ondragdrop : Function
An event handler for drag and drop events sent to the window.
   onerror : Function
An event handler for error events sent to the window.
   onfocus : Function
An event handler for focus events sent to the window.
   onkeydown : Function
An event handler for the keydown event on the window.
   onkeypress : Function
An event handler for the keypress event on the window.
   onkeyup : Function
An event handler for the keyup event on the window.
   onload : Function
DOM Level 0 An event handler for the load event of a window.
   onmousedown : Function
An event handler for the mousedown event on the window.
   onmousemove : Function
An event handler for the mousemove event on the window.
   onmouseout : Function
An event handler for the mouseout event on the window.
   onmouseover : Function
An event handler for the mouseover event on the window.
   onmouseup : Function
An event handler for the mouseup event on the window.
   onpaint : Function
DOM Level 0 An event handler for the paint event on the window.
   onreset : Function
An event handler for the reset event on the window.
   onresize : Function
An event handler for the resize event on the window.
   onscroll : Function
Specifies the function to be called when the window is scrolled.
   onselect : Function
An event handler for the select event on the window.
   onsubmit : Function
An event handler for the submit event on the window.
   onunload : Function
DOM Level 0 The unload event is raised when the document is unloaded.
   opener : WindowProxy
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the window that opened this current window.
  HTML 5 outerHeight : Number
[read-only] Gets the height of the outside of the browser window.
  HTML 5 outerWidth : Number
[read-only] Gets the width of the outside of the browser window.
  HTML 5 pageXOffset : Number
[read-only] Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally.
  HTML 5 pageYOffset : Number
[read-only] Returns the number of CSS pixels the user has scrolled towards the bottom within the viewport.
   parent : Window
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe.
   personalbar : BarProp
[read-only] Returns the personalbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
   pkcs11 : Pkcs11
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the pkcs11 object , which can be used to install drivers and other software associated with the pkcs11 protocol.
   returnValue : *
[read-only] Non-Standard? | Firefox 3+ The return value to be returned to the function that called window.showModalDialog() to display the window as a modal dialog.
  HTML 5 screen : Screen
[read-only] Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window.
  HTML 5 screenX : Number
[read-only] Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen.
  HTML 5 screenY : Number
[read-only] Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top edge of the screen.
   scrollbars : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the scrollbars object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
   scrollMaxX : Number
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled horizontally.
   scrollMaxY : Number
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled vertically.
   scrollX : Number
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally.
   scrollY : Number
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically.
   self : WindowProxy
[read-only] Returns a self-reference.
   sessionStorage : Storage
[read-only] HTML5 | Firefox 3+ This is a global object (sessionStorage) that maintains a storage area that's available for the duration of the page session.
   sidebar : Sidebar
[read-only] Non-Standard | Firefox Returns a reference to the window object of the sidebar.
   status : DOMString
DOM Level 0 Sets the text in the status bar at the bottom of the browser or returns the previously set text.
   statusbar : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the statusbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
   toolbar : BarProp
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns the toolbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.
   top : WindowProxy
[read-only] DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy.
   window : WindowProxy
[read-only] Returns a self-reference.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
 addEventListener(type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void
Associates a function with a particular event and binds the event to the current node.
 addEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void
Registers an event listener, depending on the useCapture parameter, on the capture phase of the DOM event flow or its target and bubbling phases.
DOM Level 0 Display an alert dialog with the specified content and an OK button.
DOM Level 0 Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.
DOM Level 0 Returns the window to the previous item in the history.
DOM Level 0 Shifts focus away from the window.
DOM Level 0 Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a string of binary data.
DOM Level 0 | OBSOLETE Registers the window to capture all events of the specified type.
DOM Level 0 Cancels repeated action which was set up using setInterval().
DOM Level 0 Clears the delay set by window.setTimeout().
DOM Level 0 Closes the current window, or a referenced window.
DOM Level 0 Displays a modal dialog with a message and two buttons, OK and Cancel.
Dispatches an event to fire on a node artificially.
DOM Level 0 Prints messages to the console.
DOM Level 0 Encodes a string, replacing certain characters with a hexadecimal escape sequence.
 find(string:DOMString, caseSensitive:Boolean, backwards:Boolean, wrapAround:Boolean, wholeWord:Boolean, searchInFrames:Boolean, showDialog:Boolean):Boolean
DOM Level 0 Finds a string in a window.
DOM Level 0 Sets focus on the window.
DOM Level 0 Moves the window one document forward in the history.
DOM Level 0 Attempts to get the user's attention.
This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in CSS2.
DOM Level 0 Returns a selection object representing the range of text selected by the user.
DOM Level 0 Returns the window to the home page.
 moveBy(deltaX:Number, deltaY:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Moves the current window by a specified amount.
 moveTo(x:Number, y:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Moves the window to the specified coordinates.
 open(url:DOMString, windowName:DOMString, windowFeatures:DOMString):WindowProxy
DOM Level 0 Creates a new secondary browser window and loads the referenced resource.
 openDialog(url:DOMString, name:DOMString, features:DOMString, ... args):WindowProxy
DOM Level 0 window.openDialog is an extension to
 postMessage(message:DOMString, targetOrigin:DOMString):void
HTML5 | Firefox 3 window.postMessage is a method for safely enabling cross-origin communication.
DOM Level 0 Opens the Print Dialog to print the current document.
DOM Level 0 Displays a dialog with a message prompting the user to input some text.
DOM Level 0 | OBSOLETE Releases the window from trapping events of a specific type.
 removeEventListener(type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void
Removes an event listener.
 removeEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void
Removes an event listener.
 resizeBy(xDelta:Number, yDelta:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Resizes the current window by a certain amount.
 resizeTo(width:Number, height:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Dynamically resizes window.
 scroll(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document.
 scrollBy(x:Number, y:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount.
DOM Level 0 Scrolls the document by the given number of lines.
DOM Level 0 Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages.
 scrollTo(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number):void
DOM Level 0 Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document.
DOM Level 0 Changes the cursor for the current window.
 setInterval(func:Function, delay:Number):Number
DOM Level 0 Calls a function repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call to that function.
 setTimeout(func:Function, delay:Number):Number
DOM Level 0 Executes a code snippet or a function after specified delay.
 showModalDialog(uri:DOMString, arguments:DOMString = null, options:* = null):*
Non-Standard | IE4 Firefox3 Creates and displays a modal dialog box containing a specified HTML document.
DOM Level 0 Sizes the window according to its content.
DOM Level 0 This method stops window loading.
DOM Level 0 Decodes a value that has been encoded in hexadecimal (e.g., a cookie).
DOM Level 0 Updates the state of commands of the current chrome window (UI).
Property Detail
applicationCache:nsIDOMOfflineResourceList  [read-only]

Non-Standard | Firefox 3+ Returns a reference to the application cache object for the window.

    public function get applicationCache():nsIDOMOfflineResourceList

See also

closed:Boolean  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 This property indicates whether the referenced window is closed or not.

    public function get closed():Boolean
Components:nsIXPCComponents  [read-only]

Non-Standard | Firefox The Components object is the object through which XPConnect functionality is reflected into JavaScript. Some properties of Components require advanced privileges and may not work in web pages.

    public function get Components():nsIXPCComponents
content:Window  [read-only]

Non-Standard | Firefox Returns a Window object for the primary content window.

    public function get content():Window
crypto:Crypto  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the browser crypto object, which can then be used to manipulate various browser security features.

    public function get crypto():Crypto

DOM Level 0 Gets/sets the status bar text for the given window. Note: To set the status once the window has been opened, use window.status.

    public function get defaultStatus():DOMString
    public function set defaultStatus(value:DOMString):void
directories:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the window directories toolbar object.

    public function get directories():BarProp
document:DocumentView  [read-only]

The source DocumentView of which this is an AbstractView.

    public function get document():DocumentView
frameElement:Element  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the element (such as <iframe> or <object>) in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is top-level.

    public function get frameElement():Element

See also

frames:Array  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns an array-like object, listing the direct sub-frames of the current window.

    public function get frames():Array

DOM Level 0 | Firefox 3+ This property indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not. Note: This property is only reliable in Mozilla 1.9 (Firefox 3) and later. Mozilla 1.8 and earlier do have this property, but it always returns false, even when the window is in full screen mode. Note: Switching between regular window and full screen will fire the "resize" event on the corresponding window.

    public function get fullScreen():Boolean
    public function set fullScreen(value:Boolean):void
globalStorage:Object  [read-only]

Non-Standard | Firefox 2 This is a global object (globalStorage) that maintains multiple private storage areas that can be used to hold data over a long period of time (e.g. over multiple pages and browser sessions). Note: Firefox 2 permitted access to storage objects higher in the domain hierarchy than the current document. This is no longer allowed in Firefox 3, for security reasons. In addition, this proposed addition to HTML 5 has been removed from the HTML 5 specification in favor of localStorage, which is implemented in Firefox 3.5.

    public function get globalStorage():Object
history:History  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the History object, which provides an interface for manipulating the browser session history (pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in).

    public function get history():History
HTML 5 innerHeightproperty 
innerHeight:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Height of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar.

Note: The innerHeight property will be supported in any window object like a window, a frame, a frameset or a secondary window.

    public function get innerHeight():Number

See also

Assuming a frameset
         var intFrameHeight = window.innerHeight; // or
         var intFrameHeight = self.innerHeight; // will return the height of the frame viewport within the frameset
         var intFramesetHeight = parent.innerHeight; // will return the height of the viewport of the closest frameset
         var intOuterFramesetHeight = top.innerHeight; // will return the height of the viewport of the outermost frameset
HTML 5 innerWidthproperty 
innerWidth:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Width of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the vertical scrollbar.

Note: The innerWidth property does not include the sidebar. So when the sidebar is expanded, the innerWidth property value diminishes.

Note: The innerWidth property will be supported in any window object like a window, a frame, a frameset or a secondary window.

    public function get innerWidth():Number

See also

Assuming a frameset
         var intFrameWidth = window.innerWidth; // or
         var intFrameWidth = self.innerWidth; // will return the width of the frame viewport within the frameset
         var intFramesetWidth = parent.innerWidth; // will return the width of the viewport of the closest frameset
         var intOuterFramesetWidth = top.innerWidth; // will return the width of the viewport of the outermost frameset
length:Number  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the number of frames (either frame or iframe elements) in the window.

    public function get length():Number
localStorage:Storage  [read-only]

Web Storage This is a global object that maintains multiple private storage areas that can be used to hold data over a long period of time (e.g. over multiple pages and browser sessions). Note Firefox 3.5: When the browser goes into private browsing mode, a new, temporary database is created to store local storage data; this database is empty, and is thrown away when private browsing mode is turned off.

    public function get localStorage():Storage

See also

location:Location  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL.

    public function get location():Location
locationbar:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the locationbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.

    public function get locationbar():BarProp
HTML 5 mediaproperty 
media:Media  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a

Returns an Media object.

    public function get media():Media

See also

menubar:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the menubar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.

    public function get menubar():BarProp

DOM Level 0 Gets/sets the name of the window. Note: The name of the window is used primarily for setting targets for hyperlinks and forms. Windows do not need to have names.

    public function get name():DOMString
    public function set name(value:DOMString):void
navigator:Navigator  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the navigator object, which can be queried for information about the application running the script.

    public function get navigator():Navigator

An event handler for abort events sent to the window. (Not available with Firefox 2 or Safari)

    public function get onabort():Function
    public function set onabort(value:Function):void

An event that fires before the unload event when the page is unloaded.

Note: There is no public specification. onbeforeunload was introduced by Microsoft IE 4 and has subsequently been copied by other browsers.

    public function get onbeforeunload():Function
    public function set onbeforeunload(value:Function):void

See also

         window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
                 var e = e || window.event;
                 // For IE and Firefox
                 if (e) {
                     e.returnValue = 'Any string';
                 // For Safari
                 return 'Any string';

DOM Level 0 The onblur property can be used to set the blur handler on the window, which is triggered when the window loses focus.

    public function get onblur():Function
    public function set onblur(value:Function):void

An event handler for change events sent to the window.

    public function get onchange():Function
    public function set onchange(value:Function):void

Called when the user clicks the mouse button while the cursor is in the window. This event is fired for any mouse button pressed; you can look at the event properties to find out which button was pressed and where.

Note: The click event is raised when the user clicks on the window.

    public function get onclick():Function
    public function set onclick(value:Function):void

An event handler for close events sent to the window. (Not available with Firefox 2 or Safari)

    public function get onclose():Function
    public function set onclose(value:Function):void

An event handler property for right-click events on the window.

    public function get oncontextmenu():Function
    public function set oncontextmenu(value:Function):void

         window.oncontextmenu = function () {
                 return false;
         //this will disable right click on the page

An event handler for drag and drop events sent to the window.

Note: The window.ondragdrop property and the ondragdrop attribute are not implemented in Gecko, you have to use addEventListener.

Note: The array available in NN4 seems to be unavailable in Gecko [1].

    public function get ondragdrop():Function
    public function set ondragdrop(value:Function):void

See also


An event handler for error events sent to the window.

Note: When the function returns true, this prevents the firing of the default event handler. Function parameters:

Note: The error event is raised when an error occurs in the script. The example above prevents error dialogs from displaying-which is the window's normal behavior-by overriding the default event handler for error events that go to the window.

Note: When using the inline html markup (<body onerror="alert('an error occurred')>...), the arguments are not named. They can be referenced by arguments[0] through arguments[2].

    public function get onerror():Function
    public function set onerror(value:Function):void

An event handler for focus events sent to the window.

Note: The focus event is raised when the user sets focus on the current window.

    public function get onfocus():Function
    public function set onfocus(value:Function):void

An event handler for the keydown event on the window.

Note: The keydown event is raised when the user presses any key.

    public function get onkeydown():Function
    public function set onkeydown(value:Function):void

An event handler for the keypress event on the window.

Note: The keypress event is raised when the user presses and releases any key on the keyboard.

Note: Under FF this event fires before the keyup event is detected, i.e. it appears to work exactly like onkeydown.

    public function get onkeypress():Function
    public function set onkeypress(value:Function):void

An event handler for the keyup event on the window.

Note: The keyup event is raised when a key that has been pressed is released.

    public function get onkeyup():Function
    public function set onkeyup(value:Function):void

DOM Level 0 An event handler for the load event of a window.

Note: The load event fires at the end of the document loading process. At this point, all of the objects in the document are in the DOM, and all the images and sub-frames have finished loading.

Note: There is also Gecko-Specific DOM Events like DOMContentLoaded and DOMFrameContentLoaded events (which can be handled using addEventListener) which are fired after the DOM for the page has been constructed, but don't wait for other resources to finish loading.

    public function get onload():Function
    public function set onload(value:Function):void

An event handler for the mousedown event on the window.

Note: The mousedown event is raised when the user clicks the mouse button anywhere in the document.

    public function get onmousedown():Function
    public function set onmousedown(value:Function):void

An event handler for the mousemove event on the window.

Note: The mousemove event fires when the user moves the mouse pointer by 1 pixel or more in any direction in the browser window.

    public function get onmousemove():Function
    public function set onmousemove(value:Function):void

An event handler for the mouseout event on the window.

Note: The mouseout event is raised when the mouse leaves the area of the specified element (in this case the window itself).

    public function get onmouseout():Function
    public function set onmouseout(value:Function):void

An event handler for the mouseover event on the window.

Note: The mouseover event is raised when the mouse pointer moves over the current element (in this case the window itself).

    public function get onmouseover():Function
    public function set onmouseover(value:Function):void

An event handler for the mouseup event on the window.

Note: The mouseup event is raised when the user unclicks the mouse button anywhere in the document.

    public function get onmouseup():Function
    public function set onmouseup(value:Function):void

DOM Level 0 An event handler for the paint event on the window.

Note: onpaint doesn't work currently, and it is questionable whether this event is going to work at all.

Note: The paint event is raised when the window is rendered. This event occurs after the load event for a window, and reoccurs each time the window needs to be re-rendered, as when another window obscures it and is then cleared away.

    public function get onpaint():Function
    public function set onpaint(value:Function):void

See also


An event handler for the reset event on the window.

Note: The reset event is raised when the user clicks a reset button in a form ().

    public function get onreset():Function
    public function set onreset(value:Function):void

An event handler for the resize event on the window.

Note: The resize event is fired after the window has been resized.

    public function get onresize():Function
    public function set onresize(value:Function):void

Specifies the function to be called when the window is scrolled.

Note: When the window.scrollX/scrollY isn't 0 -- meaning that some scrolling occurred by either script or manual action -- reloading the current page will trigger the onscroll event immediately.

Note: In older versions of Gecko caused onscroll to be fired only when dragging the scroll bar, not when using cursor keys or mousewheel. This was fixed in Gecko 1.8/Firefox 1.5.

    public function get onscroll():Function
    public function set onscroll(value:Function):void

An event handler for the select event on the window.

Note: The select event only fires when text inside a text input or textarea is selected. The event is fired after the text has been selected.

    public function get onselect():Function
    public function set onselect(value:Function):void

An event handler for the submit event on the window.

Note: The submit event is raised when the user clicks a submit button in a form ().

    public function get onsubmit():Function
    public function set onsubmit(value:Function):void

DOM Level 0 The unload event is raised when the document is unloaded.

Note: Using this event handler in your page prevents Firefox 1.5 from caching the page in the in-memory bfcache.

Note: Browsers equipped with pop-up window blockers will ignore all method calls in onunload event handler functions.

    public function get onunload():Function
    public function set onunload(value:Function):void
opener:WindowProxy  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the window that opened this current window. Note: When a window is opened from another window, it maintains a reference to that first window as window.opener. If the current window has no opener, this method returns NULL.

    public function get opener():WindowProxy
HTML 5 outerHeightproperty 
outerHeight:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Gets the height of the outside of the browser window. window.outerHeight represents the height of the whole browser window including toolbars and window chrome.

    public function get outerHeight():Number

See also

HTML 5 outerWidthproperty 
outerWidth:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Gets the width of the outside of the browser window. window.outerWidth represents the width of the whole browser window including sidebar (if expanded), window chrome and window [re-]sizing borders/handles.

    public function get outerWidth():Number

See also

HTML 5 pageXOffsetproperty 
pageXOffset:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally.

Note: window.pageXOffset == window.scrollX; // always true

    public function get pageXOffset():Number

See also

         // make sure and go over to the second horizontal page
         if (window.scrollX) {
         scrollBy(400, 0);
HTML 5 pageYOffsetproperty 
pageYOffset:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Returns the number of CSS pixels the user has scrolled towards the bottom within the viewport.

Note: window.pageYOffset == window.scrollY; // always true

    public function get pageYOffset():Number

See also

         // make sure and go over to the second horizontal page
         if (window.scrollY) {
parent:Window  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe. If a window does not have a parent, its parent property is a reference to itself.

    public function get parent():Window

See also

personalbar:BarProp  [read-only]

Returns the personalbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.

    public function get personalbar():BarProp
pkcs11:Pkcs11  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the pkcs11 object , which can be used to install drivers and other software associated with the pkcs11 protocol.

Note (Mozilla): The window.pkcs11 property has been removed in newer versions of Firefox (3.5+) for security reasons. For more information on installing PKCS11 modules, see installing PKCS11 modules. See bug 326628 for details on why the property was removed.

    public function get pkcs11():Pkcs11
returnValue:*  [read-only]

Non-Standard? | Firefox 3+ The return value to be returned to the function that called window.showModalDialog() to display the window as a modal dialog.

    public function get returnValue():*
HTML 5 screenproperty 
screen:Screen  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window.

    public function get screen():Screen

See also

         if (screen.pixelDepth < 8) {
             // use low-color version of page
         } else { 
             // use regular, colorful page
HTML 5 screenXproperty 
screenX:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen.

Note (Opera): Opera calculates the coordinates of the specific tab window relative to the encompassing browser window. This is understandable given its way of working with windows, but strictly speaking it's a bug. It should give the coordinates of the encompassing browser window relative to the screen.

    public function get screenX():Number

See also

HTML 5 screenYproperty 
screenY:Number  [read-only]

Product Versions : Internet Explorer 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 7.0 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE7 Internet Explorer 8.0 as IE8 Firefox 2.0 Firefox 3.0 Firefox 3.1b Safari 3.0 Safari 3.1 Safari 4.0b Chrome 1.0 Chrome 2.0 Opera 9.62 Opera 10.0a
Introduced in: DOM 0 

Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top edge of the screen.

Note (Opera): Opera calculates the coordinates of the specific tab window relative to the encompassing browser window. This is understandable given its way of working with windows, but strictly speaking it's a bug. It should give the coordinates of the encompassing browser window relative to the screen.

    public function get screenY():Number

See also

scrollbars:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the scrollbars object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. Note: Note that scrollbars is not an array of the scrollbars. The visibility of these objects can only be controlled as a group.

    public function get scrollbars():BarProp
scrollMaxX:Number  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled horizontally. Note: Use this property to get the total document width, which is equivalent to window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX.

    public function get scrollMaxX():Number

See also

scrollMaxY:Number  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled vertically. Note: Use this property to get the total document height, which is equivalent to window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY.

    public function get scrollMaxY():Number

See also

scrollX:Number  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally. Note: Use this property to check that the document hasn't already been scrolled some if you are using relative scroll functions such as window.scrollBy, window.scrollByLines, or window.scrollByPages. Note: The pageXOffset property is an alias for the scrollX property.

    public function get scrollX():Number

See also

scrollY:Number  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically. Note: Use this property to check that the document hasn't already been scrolled some if you are using relative scroll functions such as window.scrollBy, window.scrollByLines, or window.scrollByPages. Note: The pageYOffset property is an alias for the scrollY property.

    public function get scrollY():Number

See also

self:WindowProxy  [read-only]

Returns a self-reference.

    public function get self():WindowProxy
sessionStorage:Storage  [read-only]

HTML5 | Firefox 3+ This is a global object (sessionStorage) that maintains a storage area that's available for the duration of the page session. A page session lasts for as long as the browser is open and survives over page reloads and restores. Opening a page in a new tab or window will cause a new session to be initiated. The sessionStorage object is most useful for hanging on to temporary data that should be saved and restored if the browser is accidentally refreshed. Note: Prior to Firefox 3.5, sessionStorage data was not restored automatically after recovering from a browser crash. Starting in Firefox 3.5, this works as per the specification.

    public function get sessionStorage():Storage
sidebar:Sidebar  [read-only]

Non-Standard | Firefox Returns a reference to the window object of the sidebar.

    public function get sidebar():Sidebar

DOM Level 0 Sets the text in the status bar at the bottom of the browser or returns the previously set text. Note Firefox: This property does not work in default configuration of Firefox and some other browsers: setting window.status has no effect on the text displayed in the status bar. To allow scripts change the the status bar text, the user must set the dom.disable_window_status_change preference to false in the about:config screen.

    public function get status():DOMString
    public function set status(value:DOMString):void
statusbar:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the statusbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.

    public function get statusbar():BarProp
toolbar:BarProp  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns the toolbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window.

    public function get toolbar():BarProp
top:WindowProxy  [read-only]

DOM Level 0 Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy.

    public function get top():WindowProxy
window:WindowProxy  [read-only]

Returns a self-reference.

    public function get window():WindowProxy
Method Detail
public function addEventListener(type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void

Associates a function with a particular event and binds the event to the current node.


type:DOMString — A string representing the event to bind, without the "on" prefix. For example, "click", "mousedown" etc.
listener:EventListener — The function or method to associate with the event.
useCapture:Boolean — Whether to bind the event as it is propagating towards the target node, (event Capture), or as the event bubbles upwards from the target (event bubble). Set to true or false, respectively.

public function addEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void

Registers an event listener, depending on the useCapture parameter, on the capture phase of the DOM event flow or its target and bubbling phases.


namespaceURI:DOMString — Specifies the Event.namespaceURI associated with the event for which the user is registering.
type:DOMString — A string representing the event to bind, without the "on" prefix. For example, "click", "mousedown" etc.
listener:EventListener — The function or method to associate with the event.
useCapture:Boolean — Whether to bind the event as it is propagating towards the target node, (event Capture), or as the event bubbles upwards from the target (event bubble). Set to true or false, respectively.

public function alert(message:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 Display an alert dialog with the specified content and an OK button.


message:DOMString — Text you want to display in the alert dialog, or, alternatively, an object that is converted into a string and displayed.

See also

public function atob(encodedData:DOMString):DOMString

DOM Level 0 Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.


encodedData:DOMString — The encoded string

DOMString — The decoded string

See also

public function back():void

DOM Level 0 Returns the window to the previous item in the history.

public function blur():void

DOM Level 0 Shifts focus away from the window.

public function btoa(stringToEncode:DOMString):DOMString

DOM Level 0 Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a string of binary data.


stringToEncode:DOMString — The string to encode

DOMString — The encoded string

See also

public function captureEvents(eventType:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 | OBSOLETE Registers the window to capture all events of the specified type. Note: This method is obsolete as of Gecko 1.9, in favor of W3C DOM Events methods (see addEventListener). The support for this method has been removed from Gecko 1.9. Note: Events raised in the DOM by user activity (such as clicking buttons or shifting focus away from the current document) generally pass through the high-level window and document objects first before arriving at the object that initiated the event. Note: When you call the captureEvents() method on the window, events of the type you specify (for example, Event.CLICK) no longer pass through to "lower" objects in the hierarchy. In order for events to "bubble up" in the way that they normally do, you must call window.releaseEvents() (Obsolete ) on the window to keep it from trapping events. Note: Note that you can pass a list of events to this method using the following syntax: window.caputureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS | Event.KEYDOWN | Event.KEYUP).


eventType:DOMString — The event type to capture.

See also

public function clearInterval(timerID:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Cancels repeated action which was set up using setInterval().


timerID:Number — The identifier of the repeated action you want to cancel.

See also

public function clearTimeout(timerID:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Clears the delay set by window.setTimeout().


timerID:Number — The ID of the timeout you wish you clear

See also

public function close():void

DOM Level 0 Closes the current window, or a referenced window.

When this method is called, the referenced window is closed.

This method is only allowed to be called for windows that were opened by a script using the method. If the window was not opened by a script, the following error appears in the JavaScript Console: Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script.

See also

public function confirm(message:DOMString):Boolean

DOM Level 0 Displays a modal dialog with a message and two buttons, OK and Cancel.

Dialog boxes are modal windows - they prevent the user from accessing the rest of the program's interface until the dialog box is closed. For this reason, you should not overuse any function that creates a dialog box (or modal window).


message:DOMString — The string to be displayed in the dialog.

Boolean — Value indicating whether OK or Cancel was selected (true means OK).

See also

public function disableExternalCapture():void


See also

public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean

Dispatches an event to fire on a node artificially.

Note (IE): IE's equivalent of dispatchEvent() is fireEvent().


event:Event — The event to be dispatched.

Boolean — Indicates whether any of the listeners which handled the event called Event.preventDefault(). If Event.preventDefault() was called the returned value is false, else it is true.
public function dump(message:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 Prints messages to the console.

Note: In Gecko dump is disabled by default – it doesn't do anything but doesn't raise an error either. To see the dump output you have to enable it by setting the preference browser.dom.window.dump.enabled to true. You can set the preference in about:config or in a user.js file. Note: this preference is not listed in about:config by default, you may need to create it (right-click the content area -> New -> Boolean).

Note: On Windows, you will need a console to actually see anything. If you don't have one already, closing the application and re-opening it with the command line parameter -console should create the console. On other operating systems, it's enough to launch the application from a terminal.


message:DOMString — Message to log.

public function enableExternalCapture():void


See also

public function escape(regular:DOMString):DOMString

DOM Level 0 Encodes a string, replacing certain characters with a hexadecimal escape sequence.

Note: The escape() method converts special characters (any characters that are not regular text or numbers) into hexadecimal characters, which is especially necessary for setting the values of cookies. Also useful when passing name=value pairs in the URL of a GET request, or an AJAX GET/POST request.


regular:DOMString — A regular string.

DOMString — The encoded string.

See also

public function find(string:DOMString, caseSensitive:Boolean, backwards:Boolean, wrapAround:Boolean, wholeWord:Boolean, searchInFrames:Boolean, showDialog:Boolean):Boolean

DOM Level 0 Finds a string in a window.


string:DOMString — The text string for which to search.
caseSensitive:Boolean — If true, specifies a case-sensitive search.
backwards:Boolean — If true, specifies a backward search.
wrapAround:Boolean — If true, specifies a wrap around search.
wholeWord:Boolean — If true, specifies a whole word search.
searchInFrames:Boolean — If true, specifies a search in frames.
showDialog:Boolean — If true, specifies a show Dialog.

Boolean — true if the string is found; otherwise, false.
public function focus():void

DOM Level 0 Sets focus on the window.

public function forward():void

DOM Level 0 Moves the window one document forward in the history.

public function GeckoActiveXObject():void


See also

public function getAttention():void

DOM Level 0 Attempts to get the user's attention. How this happens varies based on OS and window manager.

Note: On Windows, the taskbar button for the window flashes, if this hasn't been disabled by the user.

Note: On Linux, the behaviour varies from window manager to window manager - some flash the taskbar button, others focus the window immediately. This may be configurable as well.

Note: On Macintosh, the icon in the upper right corner of the desktop flashes.

Note: The function is disabled for web content. Neither Gecko nor Internet Explorer supports this feature now for web content. getAttention will still work when used from chrome in a Gecko application.

public function getAttentionWithCycleCount():void


See also

public function getComputedStyle(elt:Element, pseudoElt:DOMString):CSSStyleDeclaration

This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in CSS2.


elt:Element — The element whose style is to be computed. This parameter cannot be null.
pseudoElt:DOMString — The pseudo-element or null if none.

CSSStyleDeclaration — The computed style. The CSSStyleDeclaration is read-only and contains only absolute values.
public function getSelection():Selection

DOM Level 0 Returns a selection object representing the range of text selected by the user.

In JavaScript, when a selection object is passed to a function expecting a string (like window.alert or document.write ), a string representation of it (i.e. the selected text) is passed instead. This makes the selection object appear like a string, when it is really an object with its own properties and methods. Specifically, the return value of calling the toString() method of the Selection object is passed.

Selection — A Selection object.
public function home():void

DOM Level 0 Returns the window to the home page.

public function maximize():void


See also

public function minimize():void


See also

public function moveBy(deltaX:Number, deltaY:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Moves the current window by a specified amount.

Note: You can use negative numbers as parameters for this function. This function makes a relative move while window.moveTo makes an absolute move.


deltaX:Number — Amount of pixels to move the window horizontally.
deltaY:Number — Amount of pixels to move the window vertically.

         function budge() {
            moveBy(10, -10);
public function moveTo(x:Number, y:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Moves the window to the specified coordinates.

Note: This function moves the window absolutely while window.moveBy moves the window relative to its current location.


x:Number — The horizontal coordinate to be moved to.
y:Number — The vertical coordinate to be moved to.

         function origin() {
           // moves to top left corner of screen
           window.moveTo(0, 0)
public function open(url:DOMString, windowName:DOMString, windowFeatures:DOMString):WindowProxy

DOM Level 0 Creates a new secondary browser window and loads the referenced resource.

The open() method creates a new secondary browser window, similar to choosing New Window from the File menu. The strUrl parameter specifies the URL to be fetched and loaded in the new window. If strUrl is an empty string, then a new blank, empty window (URL about:blank loaded) is created with the default toolbars of the main window.

Note: Note that remote URLs won't load immediately. When returns, the window always contains about:blank. The actual fetching of the URL is deferred and starts after the current script block finishes executing. The window creation and the loading of the referenced resource are done asynchronously.

Note: If you use the strWindowFeatures parameter, then only list the features you want to include in the new window, that you want to be enabled or rendered; the others (except titlebar and close) will be disabled, removed.

The following features require the UniversalBrowserWrite privilege, otherwise they will be ignored. Chrome scripts have this privilege automatically, others have to request it from the PrivilegeManager.


url:DOMString — This is the URL to be loaded in the newly opened window. It can be an HTML document on the web, it can be an image file or any type of file which is supported by the browser.
windowName:DOMString — This is the string that just names the new window. Such string can be used to be the target of links and forms when the target attribute of an <a> element or of a <form> is specified. This string parameter should not contain any blank space. strWindowName does not specify the title of the new window.
windowFeatures:DOMString — Optional parameter. This parameter is the string which lists the requested window features (window functionalities and toolbars) of the new browser window. This string parameter must not contain any blank space. Each requested window feature must be separated by a comma inside the character string.

WindowProxy — This is the reference pointing to the newly created browser window. This reference is the return value of the open() method; it will be null if for some reasons the execution did not succeed to open the window. A global variable is best used to store such reference. You can then, for example, use it to look for properties of the new window or access its methods, assuming that your main versus secondary window relationship complies with Same origin policy security requirements.

See also

         <script type="text/javascript">
         var WindowObjectReference = null; // global variable
         function openFFPromotionPopup()    {
             if(WindowObjectReference == null || WindowObjectReference.closed) {
                 //if the pointer to the window object in memory does not exist or if such pointer exists but the window was closed
                 WindowObjectReference ="", "PromoteFirefoxWindowName", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
                 // then create it. The new window will be created and will be brought on top of any other window.
             } else {
                 // else the window reference must exist and the window is not closed; therefore, we can bring it back on top of any other window with the focus() method. There would be no need to re-create the window or to reload the referenced resource.
         <p><a href="" target="PromoteFirefoxWindowName" onclick="openFFPromotionPopup(); return false;" title="This link will create a new window or will re-use an already opened one">Promote Firefox adoption</a></p>
public function openDialog(url:DOMString, name:DOMString, features:DOMString, ... args):WindowProxy

DOM Level 0 window.openDialog is an extension to It behaves the same, except that it can optionally take one or more parameters past windowFeatures, and windowFeatures itself is treated a little differently.

The optional parameters, if present, will be bundled up in a JavaScript Array object and added to the newly created window as a property named window.arguments. They may be referenced in the JavaScript of the window at any time, including during the execution of a load handler. These parameters may be used, then, to pass arguments to and from the dialog window.

Note: The call to openDialog() returns immediately. If you want the call to block until the user has closed the dialog, supply modal as a windowFeatures parameter.

Note: This also means the user won't be able to interact with the opener window until he closes the modal dialog.

To pass extra parameters into the dialog, you can simply supply them after the windowFeatures parameter:

openDialog("http://example.tld/zzz.xul", "dlg", "", "pizza", 6.98);
The extra parameters will then get packed into a property named arguments of type Array, and this property gets added to the newly opened dialog window.

To access these extra parameters from within dialog code, use the following scheme:

         var food  = window.arguments[0];
         var price = window.arguments[1];
Note that you can access this property from within anywhere in the dialog code.


url:DOMString — This is the URL to be loaded in the newly opened window. It can be an HTML document on the web, it can be an image file or any type of file which is supported by the browser.
name:DOMString — This is the string that just names the new window. Such string can be used to be the target of links and forms when the target attribute of an <a> element or of a <form> is specified. This string parameter should not contain any blank space. strWindowName does not specify the title of the new window.
features:DOMString — Optional parameter. This parameter is the string which lists the requested window features (window functionalities and toolbars) of the new browser window. This string parameter must not contain any blank space. Each requested window feature must be separated by a comma inside the character string.
... args — The arguments to be passed to the new window (optional).

WindowProxy — The opened window

         var win = openDialog("http://example.tld/zzz.xul", "dlg", "", "pizza", 6.98);
public function postMessage(message:DOMString, targetOrigin:DOMString):void

HTML5 | Firefox 3 window.postMessage is a method for safely enabling cross-origin communication.

Normally, scripts on different pages are only allowed to access each other if and only if the pages which executed them are at locations with the same protocol (usually both http), port number (80 being the default for http), and host (modulo document.domain being set by both pages to the same value). window.postMessage provides a controlled mechanism to circumvent this restriction in a way which is secure when properly used.

window.postMessage, when called, causes a MessageEvent to be dispatched at the target window when any pending script that must be executed completes (e.g. remaining event handlers if window.postMessage is called from an event handler, previously-set pending timeouts, etc.). The MessageEvent has the type message, a data property which is set to the string value of the first argument provided to window.postMessage, an origin property corresponding to the origin of the main document in the window calling window.postMessage at the time window.postMessage was called, and a source property which is the window from which window.postMessage is called. (Other standard properties of events are present with their expected values.)

Note: Any window may access this method on any other window, at any time, regardless of the location of the document in the window, to send it a message. Consequently, any event listener used to receive messages must first check the identity of the sender of the message, using the origin and possibly source properties. This cannot be understated: Failure to check the origin and possibly source properties enables cross-site scripting attacks.


message:DOMString — String data to be sent to the other window.
targetOrigin:DOMString — Specifies what the origin of otherWindow must be for the event to be dispatched, either as the literal string "*" (indicating no preference) or as a URI. If at the time the event is scheduled to be dispatched the scheme, hostname, or port of otherWindow's document does not match that provided in targetOrigin, the event will not be dispatched; only if all three match will the event be dispatched. This mechanism provides control over where messages are sent; for example, if postMessage were used to transmit a password, it would be absolutely critical that this argument be a URI whose origin is the same as the intended receiver of the message containing the password, to prevent interception of the password by a malicious third party.

See also

         // otherWindow: A reference to another window; such a reference may be obtained, for example, using the 
         // contentWindow property of an iframe element, the object returned by, or by named or 
         // numeric index on window.frames. 
         otherWindow.postMessage(message, targetOrigin);
         // In window A's scripts, with A being on <>:
         var popup = details...);
         // When the popup has fully loaded, if not blocked by a popup blocker:
         // This does nothing, assuming the window hasn't changed its location.
         popup.postMessage("The user is 'bob' and the password is 'secret'", "");
         // This will successfully queue a message to be sent to the popup, assuming the window hasn't changed its location.
         popup.postMessage("hello there!", "");
         function receiveMessage(event) {
                 // Do we trust the sender of this message?  (might be different from what we originally opened, for example).
                 if (event.origin !== "") return;
                 // event.source is popup
                 // is "hi there yourself!  the secret response is: rheeeeet!"
         window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
         // In the popup's scripts, running on <>:
         // Called sometime after postMessage is called
         function receiveMessage(event) {
                 // Do we trust the sender of this message?
                 if (event.origin !== "") return;
                 // event.source is window.opener
                 // is "hello there!"
                 // Assuming you've verified the origin of the received message (which
                 // you must do in any case), a convenient idiom for replying to a
                 // message is to call postMessage on event.source and provide event.origin as the targetOrigin.
                 event.source.postMessage("hi there yourself!  the secret response " + "is: rheeeeet!", event.origin);
         window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
public function print():void

DOM Level 0 Opens the Print Dialog to print the current document.

public function prompt(text:DOMString, value:DOMString):DOMString

DOM Level 0 Displays a dialog with a message prompting the user to input some text.

Note: A prompt dialog contains a single-line textbox, a Cancel button, and an OK button, and returns the (possibly empty) text the user inputted into that textbox.

Note: Dialog boxes are modal windows - they prevent the user from accessing the rest of the program's interface until the dialog box is closed. For this reason, you should not overuse any function that creates a dialog box (or modal window).


text:DOMString — Text to display to the user.
value:DOMString — The default value displayed in the text input field. It is an optional parameter.

DOMString — The text entered by the user, or the value null.
public function QueryInterface():void


See also

public function releaseEvents(eventType:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 | OBSOLETE Releases the window from trapping events of a specific type.

Note: that you can pass a list of events to this method using the following syntax: window.releaseEvents(Event.KEYPRESS | Event.KEYDOWN | Event.KEYUP).


eventType:DOMString — The event type to release.

See also

public function removeEventListener(type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void

Removes an event listener.

Calling removeEventListener with arguments which do not identify any currently registered EventListener on the EventTarget has no effect. The Event.namespaceURI for which the user registered the event listener is implied and is null.


type:DOMString — Specifies the Event.type for which the user registered the event listener.
listener:EventListener — The EventListener to be removed.
useCapture:Boolean — Specifies whether the EventListener being removed was registered for the capture phase or not. If a listener was registered twice, once for the capture phase and once for the target and bubbling phases, each must be removed separately. Removal of an event listener registered for the capture phase does not affect the same event listener registered for the target and bubbling phases, and vice versa.

public function removeEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, type:DOMString, listener:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean):void

Removes an event listener. Calling removeEventListenerNS with arguments which do not identify any currently registered EventListener on the EventTarget has no effect.


namespaceURI:DOMString — Specifies the Event.namespaceURI associated with the event for which the user registered the event listener.
type:DOMString — Specifies the Event.type for which the user registered the event listener.
listener:EventListener — The EventListener to be removed.
useCapture:Boolean — Specifies whether the EventListener being removed was registered for the capture phase or not. If a listener was registered twice, once for the capture phase and once for the target and bubbling phases, each must be removed separately. Removal of an event listener registered for the capture phase does not affect the same event listener registered for the target and bubbling phases, and vice versa.

public function resizeBy(xDelta:Number, yDelta:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Resizes the current window by a certain amount.

Note: This method resizes the window relative to its current size. To resize the window in absolute terms, use window.resizeTo.


xDelta:Number — The number of pixels to grow the window horizontally.
yDelta:Number — The number of pixels to grow the window vertically.

See also

         // shrink the window 
         window.resizeBy(-200, -200);
public function resizeTo(width:Number, height:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Dynamically resizes window.


width:Number — The new width in pixels.
height:Number — The new height in pixels.

See also

public function restore():void


See also

public function routeEvent():void


See also

public function scroll(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document.


xCoord:Number — The pixel along the horizontal axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left.
yCoord:Number — The pixel along the vertical axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left.

         // put the 100th vertical pixel at the top of the window 
         <button onClick="scroll(0, 100);">click to scroll down 100 pixels</button>
public function scrollBy(x:Number, y:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount.

Note: Positive co-ordinates will scroll to the right and down the page. Negative values will scroll to the left and up the page.


x:Number — the offset in pixels to scroll horizontally.
y:Number — the offset in pixels to scroll vertically.

         // scroll one page 
         window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight);
public function scrollByLines(lines:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Scrolls the document by the given number of lines.


lines:Number — The number of lines to scroll the document by.

         // scroll down the document by 5 lines.
         <button onclick="scrollByLines(5);">down 5 lines</button>
public function scrollByPages(pages:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages.


pages:Number — The number of pages to scroll.

         // scroll down the document by 1 page 
public function scrollTo(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number):void

DOM Level 0 Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document.


xCoord:Number — The pixel along the horizontal axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left.
yCoord:Number — The pixel along the vertical axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left.

window.scrollTo(0, 1000);
public function setCursor(state:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 Changes the cursor for the current window.

Note: The cursor isn't reset until it's set back to auto.

Note: This function is unavailable to web pages, which can use CSS cursor property instead.


state:DOMString — What state to set the cursor to. Valid settings can be: "wait", "auto"...

public function setInterval(func:Function, delay:Number):Number

DOM Level 0 Calls a function repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call to that function. Note: setInterval() will pass the number of milliseconds late the callback was called into the callback function, which can confuse it if it expects something else as an argument. To sidestep that problem, use an anonymous function to call your callback. Note: When you pass a method to setInterval() (or any other function, for that matter), it will be invoked with a wrong this value.


func:Function — The function you want to be called repeatedly.
delay:Number — The number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) that the setInterval() function should wait before each call to func.

Number — A unique interval ID

See also

public function setResizable():void


See also

public function setTimeout(func:Function, delay:Number):Number

DOM Level 0 Executes a code snippet or a function after specified delay. Note: Code executed by setTimeout() is run in a separate execution context to the function from which it was called. As a consequence, the this keyword for the called function will be set to the window (or global) object, it will not be the same as the this value for the function that called setTimeout.


func:Function — The function you want to execute after delay milliseconds.
delay:Number — The number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) that the function call should be delayed by.

Number — The ID of the timeout

See also

public function showModalDialog(uri:DOMString, arguments:DOMString = null, options:* = null):*

Non-Standard | IE4 Firefox3 Creates and displays a modal dialog box containing a specified HTML document.

Note: Firefox does not implement the dialogHide, edge, status, or unadorned arguments.


uri:DOMString — The URI of the document to display in the dialog box.
arguments:DOMString (default = null) — An optional variant that contains values that should be passed to the dialog box; these are made available in the window object's window.dialogArguments property.
options:* (default = null) — An optional string that specifies window ornamentation for the dialog box, using one or more semicolon delimited values:

* — The returnValue property as set by the window of the document specified by uri.

See also

public function sizeToContent():void

DOM Level 0 Sizes the window according to its content.

The DOM content should be loaded when this function is called, for example after the DOMContentLoaded event.

public function stop():void

DOM Level 0 This method stops window loading.

Note: The stop() method is exactly equivalent to clicking the stop button in the browser. Because of the order in which scripts are loaded, the stop() method cannot stop the document in which it is contained from loading, but it will stop the loading of large images, new windows, and other objects whose loading is deferred.

public function unescape(escaped:DOMString):DOMString

DOM Level 0 Decodes a value that has been encoded in hexadecimal (e.g., a cookie).


escaped:DOMString — The encoded string.

DOMString — The decoded string.

         alert(unescape("%5C")); // displays "\"
public function updateCommands(commandName:DOMString):void

DOM Level 0 Updates the state of commands of the current chrome window (UI).

Note: This enables or disables items (setting or clearing the "disabled" attribute on the command node as appropriate), or ensures that the command state reflects the state of the selection by setting current state information in the "state" attribute of the XUL command nodes.


commandName:DOMString — A particular string which describes what kind of update event this is (e.g. whether we are in bold right now).

public function XPCNativeWrapper():void


See also

public function XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper():void


See also