Interfacepublic interface DOMImplementationCSS extends DOMImplementation

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

This interface allows the DOM user to create a CSSStyleSheet outside the context of a document.

There is no way to associate the new CSSStyleSheet with a document in DOM Level 2.

See also

W3C - DOM Level 2 Style: DOMImplementationCSS

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a new CSSStyleSheet.
DOM 2 Core createDocument(namespaceURI:DOMString, qualifiedName:DOMString, doctype:DocumentType):Document
This method creates a DOM document.
DOM 2 Core createDocumentType(qualifiedName:DOMString, publicId:DOMString, systemId:DOMString):DocumentType
Creates an empty DocumentType node.
DOM 3 Core getFeature(feature:DOMString, version:DOMString):DOMObject
This method returns a specialized object which implements the specialized APIs of the specified feature and version, as specified in DOM Features.
DOM 1 Core hasFeature(feature:DOMString, version:DOMString):Boolean
Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature and version, as specified in DOM Features.
Method Detail
DOM 2 Style createCSSStyleSheet()method
public function createCSSStyleSheet(title:DOMString, media:DOMString):CSSStyleSheet

Introduced in: DOM 2 Core 

Creates a new CSSStyleSheet.


title:DOMString — The advisory title.
media:DOMString — The comma-separated list of media associated with the new style sheet.

CSSStyleSheet — A new CSS style sheet.

DOMException — SYNTAX_ERR: Raised if the specified media string value has a syntax error and is unparsable.

See also