Classpublic class HTMLCollection
InheritanceHTMLCollection Inheritance Object

Introduced in: DOM 1 HTML 

An HTMLCollection is a list of nodes.

An individual node may be accessed by either ordinal index or the node's name or id attributes.

Note: Collections in the HTML DOM are assumed to be live meaning that they are automatically updated when the underlying document is changed.

See also

MDC: HTMLCollection
W3C DOM HTML Specification
MSDN: HTMLCollection

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  DOM 1 HTML length : Number
[read-only] This attribute specifies the length or size of the list.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
DOM 1 HTML item(index:Number):Node
This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index.
DOM 1 HTML namedItem(name:DOMString):Node
This method retrieves a Node using a name.
Non-Standard tags(tag:DOMString):HTMLCollection
Retrieves a collection of objects that have the specified HTML tag name.
Non-Standard urns(urn:DOMString):HTMLCollection
Retrieves a collection of all objects to which a specified behavior is attached.
Property Detail
DOM 1 HTML lengthproperty
length:Number  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 1 HTML 

This attribute specifies the length or size of the list.

    public function get length():Number

See also

Method Detail
DOM 1 HTML item()method
public function item(index:Number):Node

Introduced in: DOM 1 HTML 

This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index. Nodes are numbered in tree order (depth-first traversal order).

Note (IE): IE7 and earlier. item() has a second and optional param called 'iSubindex'. This param specifies the zero-based index of the object to retrieve when a collection is returned.

Note (IE): Internet Explorer 8 and later. In IE8 mode, the iSubindex parameter is not used.


index:Number — The index of the node to be fetched. The index origin is 0

Node — The Node at the corresponding position upon success. A value of null is returned if the index is out of range.

See also

DOM 1 HTML namedItem()method 
public function namedItem(name:DOMString):Node

Introduced in: DOM 1 HTML 

This method retrieves a Node using a name. With [HTML 4.01] documents, it first searches for a Node with a matching id attribute. If it doesn't find one, it then searches for a Node with a matching name attribute, but only on those elements that are allowed a name attribute. With [XHTML 1.0] documents, this method only searches for Nodes with a matching id attribute. This method is case insensitive in HTML documents and case sensitive in XHTML documents.

Note (IE): Internet Explorer 8 and later. In IE8 mode, the namedItem method does not return collections if more than one named item is found; instead, it returns the first case-insensitive matched element.

Note (IE): The namedItem method was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.


name:DOMString — The name of the Node to be fetched.

Node — The Node with a name or id attribute whose value corresponds to the specified string. Upon failure (e.g., no node with this name exists), returns null.

See also

The following example shows how to use the namedItem method to retrieve a div and change its innerText property.
         <div id="oDIV1">This text will not change.</div>
         <div id="oDIV2">This text will change.</div>
         <button onclick="document.all.namedItem('oDIV2').innerHTML='Changed!';">
         Change Option
public function tags(tag:DOMString):HTMLCollection

Non-standard (Microsoft)

Retrieves a collection of objects that have the specified HTML tag name.

Note: Successful execution includes the case where no elements having the given name are found. In this case, a collection containing zero elements is returned.

Note: NULL may be returned in cases where the collection cannot be constructed, such as inability to allocate memory for even a zero-length collection.


tag:DOMString — Specifies an HTML tag. It can be any one of the objects exposed by the DHTML Object Model.

HTMLCollection — Returns a collection of element objects if successful, or null otherwise.

See also

This example uses the tags method to retrieve a collection of all p elements in the document, and all body elements in the document. It displays some of the properties of the collections that are returned. It then displays selected elements of the collection.

There are no p elements in the document, and there is one body element in the document. So, this example illustrates both the cases where the collection is empty and where the collection is populated.

<title>document.all.tags example </title>

<script type="text/jscript" language="jscript">

document.write("Here is how document.all.tags behaves when no tags are found.<br>");
var coll = document.all.tags("p");
document.write("list 'p' tags" + "<br>");
document.write("coll= " + coll + "<br>");
document.write("coll.length= " + coll.length + "<br>");
if (coll==null){
    document.write( "coll= is null <br>" );
} else {
    document.write( "coll= is not null <br>" );

if ( coll[0] != null ){
    document.write( "coll[0].attributes length " + coll[0].attributes.length  + "<br>");

    for ( i = 0; i<coll[0].attributes.length ; i++ ){
        if (( coll[0].attributes[i].value       != "null"  )
           &( coll[0].attributes[i].value.length > 0       ))
            document.write( "coll[0].attributes "        + i + ":"   );
            document.write(  coll[0].attributes[i].name      + ":            "   );
            document.write(  coll[0].attributes[i].value     + "<br>");

document.write( "<br><br>" );
document.write( "Here is how document.all.tags behaves when at least 1 tag is found.<br>" );
var coll = document.all.tags( "body" );
document.write( "list 'body' tags"            + "<br>" );
document.write( "coll= "        + coll        + "<br>" );
document.write( "coll.length= " + coll.length + "<br>" );
if ( coll == null ){
    document.write( "coll= is null <br>" );
} else {
    document.write( "coll= is not null <br>" );

if ( coll[0] != null ){
    document.write( "coll[0].attributes length " + coll[0].attributes.length  + "<br>");

    for ( i = 0; i<coll[0].attributes.length ; i++ ){
        if (( coll[0].attributes[i].value       != "null"  )
           &( coll[0].attributes[i].value.length > 0       ))
            document.write( "coll[0].attributes "        + i + ":"   );
            document.write(  coll[0].attributes[i].name      + ":            "   );
            document.write(  coll[0].attributes[i].value     + "<br>");


== Here is what the above example should display in your browser
Here is how document.all.tags behaves when no tags are found.
list 'p' tags
coll= [object]
coll.length= 0
coll= is not null

Here is how document.all.tags behaves when at least 1 tag is found.
list 'body' tags
coll= [object]
coll.length= 1
coll= is not null
coll[0].attributes length 98
coll[0].attributes 21:hideFocus: false
coll[0].attributes 45:contentEditable: inherit
coll[0].attributes 59:disabled: false
coll[0].attributes 69:tabIndex: 0
coll[0].attributes 80:bottomMargin: 15
coll[0].attributes 81:noWrap: false
coll[0].attributes 90:leftMargin: 10
coll[0].attributes 92:topMargin: 15
coll[0].attributes 95:rightMargin: 10

public function urns(urn:DOMString):HTMLCollection

Non-standard (Microsoft)

Retrieves a collection of all objects to which a specified behavior is attached.


urn:DOMString — Specifies the behavior's Uniform Resource Name (URN).

HTMLCollection — Returns a collection of objects if successful, or null otherwise.

See also

The following example shows how to use the urns method to retrieve a collection of all elements currently attached to the specified behavior and then display a comma-delimited list of these element IDs in a message box.
         <script language="JScript">
             var coll  = document.all.urns("URN1");
             var sText = '';
             if (coll != null) {
                 for (i=0; i<coll.length; i++) {
                     sText += coll.item(i).id + ', ';