Interfacepublic interface ElementEditVAL extends NodeEditVAL

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

This interface also has attributes that are a NameList of elements or attributes which can appear in the specified context. Some schema languages, i.e., W3C XML schema, define wildcards which provide for validation of attribute and element information items dependent on their namespace names but independent of their local names.

To expose wildcards, the NameList returns the values that represent the namespace constraint:

An object implementing this interface must also implement the Element interface.

See also

W3C - ElementEditVAL

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  DOM 3 Validation allowedAttributes : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible attribute information items or wildcards that can appear as attributes of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation allowedChildren : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items or wildcards that can appear as children of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation allowedFirstChildren : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items or wildcards that can appear as a first child of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation allowedNextSiblings : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all element information items or wildcards that can be inserted as a next sibling of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation allowedParents : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items that can appear as a parent this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation allowedPreviousSiblings : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all element information items or wildcards that can be inserted as a previous sibling of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
  DOM 3 Validation contentType : Number
[read-only] The content type of an element as defined above.
 InheritedDOM 3 Validation defaultValue : DOMString
[read-only] The default value specified in an attribute or an element declaration or null if unspecified.
 InheritedDOM 3 Validation enumeratedValues : DOMStringList
[read-only] A DOMStringList, as described in DOM Level 3 Core, of distinct values for an attribute or an element declaration or null if unspecified.
  DOM 3 Validation requiredAttributes : NameList
[read-only] A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of required attribute information items that must appear on this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
DOM 3 Validation canAppendChild(newChild:Node):Number
Determines whether the Node.appendChild operation would make this document not compliant with the VAL_INCOMPLETE validity type.
DOM 3 Validation canInsertBefore(newChild:Node, refChild:Node):Number
Determines whether the Node.insertBefore operation would make this document not compliant with the VAL_INCOMPLETE validity type.
DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttribute(attrname:DOMString):Number
Verifies if an attribute by the given name can be removed.
DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttributeNode(attrNode:Node):Number
Determines if an attribute node can be removed.
DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttributeNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, localName:DOMString):Number
Verifies if an attribute by the given local name and namespace can be removed.
DOM 3 Validation canRemoveChild(oldChild:Node):Number
Determines whether the Node.removeChild operation would make this document not compliant with the VAL_INCOMPLETE validity type.
DOM 3 Validation canReplaceChild(newChild:Node, oldChild:Node):Number
Determines whether the Node.replaceChild operation would make this document not compliant with the VAL_INCOMPLETE validity type.
DOM 3 Validation canSetAttribute(attrname:DOMString, attrval:DOMString):Number
Determines if the value for specified attribute can be set.
DOM 3 Validation canSetAttributeNode(attrNode:Attr):Number
Determines if an attribute node can be added.
DOM 3 Validation canSetAttributeNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, qualifiedName:DOMString, value:DOMString):Number
Determines if the attribute with given namespace and qualified name can be created if not already present in the attribute list of the element.
DOM 3 Validation canSetTextContent(possibleTextContent:DOMString):Number
Determines if the text content of this node and its descendants can be set to the string passed in.
DOM 3 Validation isElementDefined(name:DOMString):Number
Determines if name is defined in the schema.
DOM 3 Validation isElementDefinedNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, name:DOMString):Number
Determines if name in this namespace is defined in the current context.
DOM 3 Validation nodeValidity(valType:Number):Number
Determines if the node is valid relative to the validation type specified in valType.
Property Detail
DOM 3 Validation allowedAttributesproperty
allowedAttributes:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible attribute information items or wildcards that can appear as attributes of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema. Duplicate pairs of {namespaceURI, name} are eliminated.

    public function get allowedAttributes():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation allowedChildrenproperty 
allowedChildren:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items or wildcards that can appear as children of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema. Duplicate pairs of {namespaceURI, name} are eliminated.

    public function get allowedChildren():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation allowedFirstChildrenproperty 
allowedFirstChildren:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items or wildcards that can appear as a first child of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema. Duplicate pairs of {namespaceURI, name} are eliminated.

    public function get allowedFirstChildren():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation allowedNextSiblingsproperty 
allowedNextSiblings:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all element information items or wildcards that can be inserted as a next sibling of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema. Duplicate pairs of {namespaceURI, name} are eliminated.

    public function get allowedNextSiblings():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation allowedParentsproperty 
allowedParents:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all possible element information items that can appear as a parent this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.

    public function get allowedParents():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation allowedPreviousSiblingsproperty 
allowedPreviousSiblings:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of all element information items or wildcards that can be inserted as a previous sibling of this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.

    public function get allowedPreviousSiblings():NameList

See also

DOM 3 Validation contentTypeproperty 
contentType:Number  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

The content type of an element as defined above.

    public function get contentType():Number

See also

DOM 3 Validation requiredAttributesproperty 
requiredAttributes:NameList  [read-only]

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of required attribute information items that must appear on this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.

    public function get requiredAttributes():NameList

See also

Method Detail
DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttribute()method
public function canRemoveAttribute(attrname:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Verifies if an attribute by the given name can be removed.


attrname:DOMString — Name of attribute.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttributeNode()method 
public function canRemoveAttributeNode(attrNode:Node):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if an attribute node can be removed.


attrNode:Node — The Attr node to remove from the attribute list.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canRemoveAttributeNS()method 
public function canRemoveAttributeNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, localName:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Verifies if an attribute by the given local name and namespace can be removed.


namespaceURI:DOMString — The namespace URI of the attribute to remove.
localName:DOMString — Local name of the attribute to be removed.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canSetAttribute()method 
public function canSetAttribute(attrname:DOMString, attrval:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if the value for specified attribute can be set.


attrname:DOMString — Name of attribute.
attrval:DOMString — Value to be assigned to the attribute.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canSetAttributeNode()method 
public function canSetAttributeNode(attrNode:Attr):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if an attribute node can be added.


attrNode:Attr — Node in which the attribute can possibly be set.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canSetAttributeNS()method 
public function canSetAttributeNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, qualifiedName:DOMString, value:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if the attribute with given namespace and qualified name can be created if not already present in the attribute list of the element. If the attribute with the same qualified name and namespaceURI is already present in the element's attribute list, it tests whether the value of the attribute and its prefix can be set to the new value.


namespaceURI:DOMString — namespaceURI of namespace.
qualifiedName:DOMString — Qualified name of attribute.
value:DOMString — Value to be assigned to the attribute.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation canSetTextContent()method 
public function canSetTextContent(possibleTextContent:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if the text content of this node and its descendants can be set to the string passed in.


possibleTextContent:DOMString — Possible text content string.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation isElementDefined()method 
public function isElementDefined(name:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if name is defined in the schema. This only applies to global declarations. This method is for non-namespace aware schemas.


name:DOMString — Name of element.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also

DOM 3 Validation isElementDefinedNS()method 
public function isElementDefinedNS(namespaceURI:DOMString, name:DOMString):Number

Introduced in: DOM 3 Validation 

Determines if name in this namespace is defined in the current context. Thus not only does this apply to global declarations, but depending on the content, this may also apply to local definitions. This method is for namespace aware schemas.


namespaceURI:DOMString — namespaceURI of namespace.
name:DOMString — Name of element.

Number — A validation state constant.

See also