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_RAD2DEG — Constant static property in class cv.util.MathUtil
radiansToDegrees(n) — Static method in class cv.util.MathUtil
Converts radians to degrees.
rain() — Static method in class cv.orion.presets.Default
randomRange(min, max) — Static method in class cv.Orion
Return a random number between a range of numbers
randomRange(min, max) — Static method in class cv.util.MathUtil
Return a random number between a range of numbers
recycleParticle(p:cv.orion:ParticleVO) — Method in class cv.Orion
Removes a particle and stores the reference to the particle inside of the recyclebin dictionary.
removeAllParticles() — Method in class cv.Orion
Removes all particles from the emitter.
removeItem(array, item) — Static method in class cv.Orion
Removes a specified item from the array.
removeParticle(p:cv.orion:ParticleVO, doArray) — Method in class cv.Orion
Removes a particle.
removeTarget(target) — Method in class cv.orion.filters.TargetsGravityFilter
Removes a target from the gravity system.
removeTarget(target) — Method in class cv.orion.filters.TargetsSpringFilter
Removes a target from the spring system.
render(e) — Method in class cv.Orion
Updates all the particles and positions, updates the output class as well.
render(e) — Method in class cv.OrionBitmap
Updates all the particles and positions, updates the output class as well.
render(e) — Method in class cv.orion.renderers.BitmapRenderer
Calls the renderer to draw the particles.
renderParticle(p:cv.orion:ParticleVO) — Method in class cv.Orion
Updates the specific particle based on the filters assigned to the emitter.
reset() — Method in class cv.orion.output.BurstOutput
To have the particles emitted again, call this method.
reset() — Method in class cv.orion.output.TimedOutput
After the timer has stopped, you can start the timer again by resetting it with this method.
resetParticle(p:cv.orion:ParticleVO) — Method in class cv.Orion
Resets the particle and initializes it for use.
resize — Event in class cv.Orion
This event is dispatched each time Orion is resized.
rotateCoord(x, y, sin, cos) — Static method in class cv.Orion
Takes a given coordinate and rotates it in a 2D space.
rotateCoord(x, y, sin, cos, reverse) — Static method in class cv.util.GeomUtil
Takes a given coordinate and rotates it in a 2D space.
rotatePoint(point, centerPoint, angle) — Static method in class cv.util.GeomUtil
Rotates a Point around another Point by the specified angle.
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