Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

cv.orion.renderers The BitmapRenderer actually draws the particles and all the animations as a single bitmap.
cv.orion.filters The BounceEdgeFilter forces a given particle to rebound off any edges it may encounter within the bounds of the emitter.
cv.orion.output The BurstOutput class adds the specified number of particles all at once, then doesn't add any new particles.
cv.orion.filters The CollisionFilter causes particles to bounce off each other if they hit.
cv.orion.filters The ColorFilter transitions a particle's tint/color to the target color.
cv.orion.filters The DragFilter determines how easily a particle moves around.
cv.orion.filters The FadeFilter determines at what rate to fade a particle.
cv.orion.filters The FrameFilter will progress a particles current frame by one each time the particle is updated.
cv.orion.output The FunctionOutput class emits particles based on the given function.
cv.util A collection of useful geometry related functions.
cv.orion.filters The GravityFilter causes the particle to fall downwards towards the floor based on the given rate.
cv.orion.interfaces Implement the IFilter interface to create a custom particle filter.
cv.orion.interfaces Implement the IOutput interface to create a custom output class.
cv.orion.output The KeyDownOutput class outputs particles if the specified key is pressed on the keyboard.
cv.util A collection of useful math related functions.
cv.orion.filters The MouseGravityFilter causes the particle be attracted to the mouse.
cv.orion.filters The MouseSpringFilter causes particles to move toward the mouse in a spring motion.
cv Orion ©2009 Gabriel Mariani,
cv OrionBitmap emits particles where ever the specified color is on the parent of the emitter.
cv OrionContainer takes a movieclip and animates the children inside of it as if they were particles.
cv OrionMouse emits particles from the mouse.
cv.orion ParticleVO is a value object class.
cv.orion.renderers The PixelRenderer class acts exactly like the BitmapRenderer class.
cv.orion.filters The ScaleFilter causes particles to grow or shrink based on the given value.
cv.orion.output The SteadyOutput class outputs particles at a predictable rate.
cv.orion.filters The StopEdgeFilter makes a particle stop all motion once it's hit the edge of the canvas.
cv.orion.filters The TargetsGravityFilter causes particles to attract to multiple targets.
cv.orion.filters The TargetsSpringFilter causes particles to spring to multiple targets.
cv.orion.output The TimedOutput class outputs particles for a specified amount of time.
cv.orion.filters The TurnToPathFilter causes particles to point in the direction they are moving.
cv.orion.filters The WanderFilter causes Brownian motion on particles.
cv.orion.filters The WindFilter causes particles to be swept to a side at a given rate.
cv.orion.filters The WrapEdgeFilter makes a particle 'wrap', and appear at the opposite edge once it's hit the edge of the canvas.