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key(index:Number) — method, interface webstorage.Storage |
Returns the value at the specified index. |
key — Property, class webstorage.StorageEvent |
The key being changed. |
KeyboardEvent — class, package dom.events |
The KeyboardEvent interface provides specific contextual information
associated with keyboard devices. |
keyCode — Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event. |
keydown — Event, class dom.core.Element |
A key is pressed down. |
keydown — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
A key is pressed down. |
KeyEvent — class, package dom.events |
The KeyEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Key Events. |
keyIdentifier — Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
Holds the identifier of the key. |
keyLocation — Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
The keyLocation attribute contains an indication of the location of
they key on the device, as described in Keyboard event types. |
keyup — Event, class dom.core.Element |
A key is released. |
keyup — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
A key is released. |
keyVal — Property, class dom.events.KeyEvent |
The value of keyVal holds the value of the Unicode character associated with the depressed key. |
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