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VAL_ANY_CONTENTTYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ContentTypeVAL |
The content model contains unordered child information item(s), i.e., element, processing instruction, unexpanded entity reference, character, and
comment information items as defined in the XML Information Set. |
VAL_ELEMENTS_CONTENTTYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ContentTypeVAL |
The content model contains a sequence of element information items optionally separated by whitespace. |
VAL_EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ContentTypeVAL |
The content model does not allow any content. |
VAL_FALSE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationState |
False if the node is invalid with regards to the operation, or if the operation cannot be done. |
validateDocument() — method, interface dom.validation.DocumentEditVAL |
Validates the document against the schema, e.g., a DTD or an W3C XML schema or another. |
VALIDATION_ERR — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.ExceptionCode |
If a call to a method such as insertBefore or removeChild would make the
Node invalid with respect to "partial validity", this exception would be
raised and the operation would not be done. |
ValidationState — class, package dom.validation |
Validation state constants stored in NodeEditVAL. |
ValidationType — class, package dom.validation |
Validation type constants stored in NodeEditVAL. |
vAlign — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement |
| |
vAlign — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableColElement |
Vertical alignment of cell data in column. |
vAlign — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement |
Vertical alignment of data within cells of this row. |
vAlign — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement |
Vertical alignment of data in cells. |
VAL_INCOMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationType |
Check if the node's immediate children are those expected by the content model. |
VAL_MIXED_CONTENTTYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ContentTypeVAL |
The content model contains a sequence of ordered element information items optionally interspersed with character data. |
VAL_NS_WF — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationType |
Check if the node is namespace well-formed. |
VAL_SCHEMA — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationType |
Check if the node's entire subtree are those expected by the content model. |
VAL_SIMPLE_CONTENTTYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ContentTypeVAL |
The content model contains character information items. |
VAL_TRUE — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationState |
True if the node is valid with regards to the operation, or if the operation can be done. |
value — Property, class dom.core.Attr |
On retrieval, the value of the attribute is returned as a string. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLButtonElement |
The current form control value. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement |
When the type attribute of the element has the value "text", "file" or
"password", this represents the current contents of the corresponding form
control, in an interactive user agent. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLLIElement |
Reset sequence number when used in OL. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLOptionElement |
The current form control value. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLParamElement |
The value of a run-time parameter. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement |
The current form control value (i.e. |
value — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement |
Represents the current contents of the corresponding form control, in an
interactive user agent. |
ValueChange — Event, class dom.core.Element |
valueType — Property, class dom.html.HTMLParamElement |
Information about the meaning of the value attribute value. |
VAL_UNKNOWN — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationState |
The validity of the node is unknown. |
VAL_WF — Constant Static Property, class dom.validation.ValidationType |
Check if the node is well-formed. |
vendor — Property, class dom.objects.Navigator |
Returns the vendor name of the current browser. |
vendorSub — Property, class dom.objects.Navigator |
Returns the vendor version number. |
version — Property, class dom.html.HTMLHtmlElement |
Version information about the document's DTD. |
version — Property, class dom.objects.Crypto |
verticalAlign — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
VERTICAL_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class gecko.events.MouseEvent |
Unknown value
view — Property, class dom.events.UIEvent |
Returns the AbstractView object from which the event was generated. |
ViewCSS — Interface, package dom.style.css |
This interface represents a CSS view. |
virtKeyVal — Property, class dom.events.KeyEvent |
When the key associated with a key event is not representable via a Unicode character virtKeyVale holds
the virtual key code associated with the depressed key. |
visibility — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
visible — Property, class dom.objects.BarProp |
The visible attribute, on getting, must return either true or a value determined by the user agent to most accurately
represent the visibility state of the user interface element that the object represents,
as described below. |
vLink — Property, class dom.html.HTMLBodyElement |
Color of links that have been visited by the user. |
vlinkColor — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument |
Gets/sets the color of links that the user has visited in the document. |
voiceFamily — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
volume — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
vspace — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAppletElement |
Modified in DOM Level 2
Vertical space, in pixels, above and below this image, applet, or object. |
vspace — Property, class dom.html.HTMLImageElement |
Modified in DOM Level 2
Vertical space above and below this image in pixels. |
vspace — Property, class dom.html.HTMLObjectElement |
Vertical space, in pixels, above and below this image, applet, or object. |
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