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webstorage — package
whatToShow — Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter
whatToShow — Property, class dom.loadsave.LSSerializerFilter
whatToShow — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.NodeIterator
Returns a number signifying what types of nodes should be returned by the NodeIterator.
whatToShow — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.TreeWalker
This attribute determines which node types are presented via the TreeWalker.
wheelDelta — Property, class dom.events.MouseWheelEvent
The distance the wheel has rotated around the y-axis.
wheelDeltaX — Property, class dom.events.MouseMultiWheelEvent
The distance the wheel has rotated around the x-axis.
wheelDeltaY — Property, class dom.events.MouseMultiWheelEvent
The distance the wheel has rotated around the y-axis.
wheelDeltaZ — Property, class dom.events.MouseMultiWheelEvent
The distance the wheel has rotated around the z-axis.
which — Property, class dom.events.UIEvent
Returns the numeric keyCode of the key pressed, or the character code (charCode) for an alphanumeric key pressed.
whiteSpace — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
wholeText — Property, class dom.core.Text
Returns all text of all Text nodes logically adjacent to this node, concatenated in document order.
widows — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
width — Property, interface cssom.view.Screen
Returns the width of the screen.
width — Property, interface cssom.view.TextRectangle
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
Override width.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Returns the width of the body element of the current document in pixels.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLHRElement
The width of the rule.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
Frame width.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLImageElement
Modified in DOM Level 2 The width of the image in pixels.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
Override width.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLPreElement
Fixed width for content.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
Cell width.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
Default column width.
width — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableElement
Specifies the desired table width.
width — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
window — Property, class dom.Window
Returns a self-reference.
Window — class, package dom
WindowProxy — class, package dom
Must proxy all operations to the Window object of the browsing context's active document.
WindowView — Interface, package cssom.view
Has properties that hold the dimensions of the entire browser window.
windowZLevel — Event, class dom.core.Element
Gecko-Specific Undocumented
wordSpacing — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
write(text:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Write a string of text to a document stream opened by open().
write(nodeArg:dom.core:Node, destination:dom.loadsave:LSOutput) — method, interface dom.loadsave.LSSerializer
writeln(text:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Write a string of text followed by a newline character to a document stream opened by open().
writeToString(nodeArg:dom.core:Node) — method, interface dom.loadsave.LSSerializer
writeToURI(nodeArg:dom.core:Node, uri:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.loadsave.LSSerializer
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.ExceptionCode
If a Node is used in a different document than the one that created it (that doesn't support it).
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