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random(numBytes:Number) — method, class dom.objects.Crypto
Generates a random number of numBytes length.
Range — class, package dom.tr.range
The Range object represents a fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes in a given document.
rangeCount — Property, class dom.objects.Selection
Returns the number of ranges in the selection.
RangeException — class, package dom.tr.range
Range operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.
RangeExceptionCode — class, package dom.tr.range
An integer indicating the type of error generated.
RangeView — Interface, package cssom.view
Has properties and methods that give information about the dimensions of a Range.
readOnly — Property, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement
This control is read-only.
readOnly — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
This control is read-only.
readOnly — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleRule
Retrieves whether the rule or style sheet is defined on the page or is imported.
readyState — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Retrieves a value that indicates the current state of the object.
recalc(forceAll:Boolean) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Recalculates all dynamic properties in the current document.
Rect — class, package dom.style.css
The Rect interface is used to represent any rect value.
red — Property, class dom.style.css.RGBColor
This attribute is used for the red value of the RGB color.
referenceNode — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.NodeIterator
Returns the node to which the iterator is anchored; as new nodes are inserted, the iterator remains anchored to the reference node as specified by this property.
referrer — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.
refresh() — method, class dom.objects.PluginArray
registerContentHandler(mimeType:dom.core.types:DOMString, uri:dom.core.types:DOMString, title:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.objects.Navigator
Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for content of a particular MIME type.
registerContentHandler(mimeType:dom.core.types:DOMString, url:dom.core.types:DOMString, title:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.objects.NavigatorAbilities
Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for content of a particular MIME type.
registerProtocolHandler(protocol:dom.core.types:DOMString, uri:dom.core.types:DOMString, title:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.objects.Navigator
Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for particular protocols.
registerProtocolHandler(scheme:dom.core.types:DOMString, url:dom.core.types:DOMString, title:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.objects.NavigatorAbilities
Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for particular protocols.
rel — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
Forward link type.
rel — Property, class dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
Forward link type.
relatedData — Property, class dom.core.DOMError
The related DOMError.type dependent data if any.
relatedException — Property, class dom.core.DOMError
The related platform dependent exception if any.
relatedNode — Property, interface dom.core.DOMLocator
The node this locator is pointing to, or null if no node is available.
relatedNode — Property, class dom.events.MutationEvent
is used to identify a secondary node related to a mutation event.
relatedTarget — Property, class dom.events.MouseEvent
Used to identify a secondary EventTarget related to a UI event, depending on the type of event.
releaseCapture() — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes mouse capture from the object in the current document.
releaseCapture() — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Removes mouse capture from the object in the current document.
releaseEvents(eventType:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 | OBSOLETE Releases the window from trapping events of a specific type.
releaseEvents(eventTypeList:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
The opposite of document.captureEvents( ), this method turns off event capture at the document level for one or more specific events named in the parameter list.
reload(forceget:Boolean) — method, class dom.objects.Location
Reload the document from the current URL.
remainingSpace — Property, interface webstorage.Storage
Retrieves the remaining memory space, in bytes, for the storage object.
REMOVAL — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.MutationEvent
The Attr was just removed.
remove(index:Number) — method, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
Remove an element from the collection of OPTION elements for this SELECT.
removeAllRanges() — method, class dom.objects.Selection
Removes all ranges from the selection, leaving the anchorNode and focusNode properties equal to null and leaving nothing selected.
removeAttribute(name:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes an attribute from the specified element.
removeAttributeNode(name:dom.core:Attr) — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes an attribute object from the object.
removeAttributeNS(nameSpace:dom.core.types:DOMString, name:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes the specified attribute from an element.
removeBehavior(id:Number) — method, class dom.core.Element
Detaches a behavior from the element.
removeChild(node:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.core.Node
Removes a child node from the object.
removeEventListener(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class dom.Window
Removes an event listener.
removeEventListener(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Node
Removes an event listener.
removeEventListener(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, interface dom.events.EventTarget
Removes an event listener.
removeEventListener(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean, eventGroup:dom.events:EventGroup) — method, interface dom.events.EventTargetGroup
This method is equivalent to the removeEventListener method of the EventTarget interface, with the exception of the added eventGroup parameter.
removeEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class dom.Window
Removes an event listener.
removeEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Node
Removes an event listener.
removeEventListenerNS(namespaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, type:dom.core.types:DOMString, listener:dom.events:EventListener, useCapture:Boolean) — method, interface dom.events.EventTarget
Removes an event listener.
removeExpression(propertyName:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes the expression from the specified property.
removeImport(index:Number) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleSheet
Removes the imported style sheet from the imports collection based on ordinal position.
removeItem(key:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface webstorage.Storage
NameDeleter The removeItem(key) method must cause the key/value pair with the given key to be removed from the list associated with the object, if it exists.
removeNamedItem(name:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.core.NamedNodeMap
Removes a node (or if an attribute, may reveal a default if present).
removeNamedItemNS(nameSpaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, localName:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.core.NamedNodeMap
Removes a node (or if an attribute, may reveal a default if present).
removeNode(removeChildren:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element
Removes the object from the document hierarchy.
removeNode(removeChildren:Boolean) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Removes the object from the document hierarchy.
removeProperty(propertyName:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
Used to remove a CSS property if it has been explicitly set within this declaration block.
removeRange(range:dom.tr.range:Range) — method, class dom.objects.Selection
Removes a range from the selection.
removeRule(index:Number) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleSheet
Deletes an existing style rule for the styleSheet object, and adjusts the index of the rules collection accordingly.
renameNode(n:dom.core:Node, namespaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, qualifiedName:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Document
Rename an existing node of type ELEMENT_NODE or ATTRIBUTE_NODE.
replace(url:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.objects.Location
Replace the current document with the one at the provided URL.
replaceAdjacentText(where:dom.core.types:DOMString, replaceText:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Element
Replaces the text adjacent to the element.
replaceChild(newNode:dom.core:Node, childNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.core.Node
Replaces an existing child element with a new child element.
replaceData(offset:Number, count:Number, arg:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.CharacterData
Replace the characters starting at the specified 16-bit unit offset with the specified string.
replaceNode(newNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.core.Element
Replaces the object with another element.
replaceNode(newNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Replaces the object with another element.
replacewholeText(content:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Text
Replaces the text of the node and all of its logically adjacent text nodes with the specified text.
request — Property, class dom.objects.CRMFRequest
Returns a encrypted string.
requiredAttributes — Property, interface dom.validation.ElementEditVAL
A NameList, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core], of required attribute information items that must appear on this element, or null if this element has no context or schema.
reset — Event, class dom.core.Element
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is reset.
reset() — method, interface dom.core.NamedNodeMap
Resets the iterator.
reset() — method, interface dom.core.NodeList
Resets the iterator.
reset — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.Event
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is reset.
reset — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is reset.
reset() — method, class dom.html.HTMLFormElement
Restores a form element's default values.
resize — Event, class dom.core.Document
A document view or an element has been resized.
resize — Event, class dom.core.Element
A document view or an element has been resized.
resize — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent
A document view or an element has been resized.
resizeBy(xDelta:Number, yDelta:Number) — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Resizes the current window by a certain amount.
resizeTo(width:Number, height:Number) — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Dynamically resizes window.
resolve(relativePath:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class gecko.nsIURI
Resolves a relative URI string, using this URI as the base.
resolveResource(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, namespaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, publicId:dom.core.types:DOMString, systemId:dom.core.types:DOMString, baseURI:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface dom.loadsave.LSResourceResolver
restore() — method, class dom.Window
resultType — Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult
A code representing the type of this result, as defined by the type constants.
returnValue — Property, class dom.Window
Non-Standard? | Firefox 3+ The return value to be returned to the function that called window.showModalDialog() to display the window as a modal dialog.
rev — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
Reverse link type.
rev — Property, class dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
Reverse link type.
RGBColor — class, package dom.style.css
The RGBColor interface is used to represent any RGB color value.
richness — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
right — Property, interface cssom.view.TextRectangle
Returns the distance between the left of the viewport and the right of the rectangle box as number of CSS pixels.
right — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
right — Property, class dom.style.css.Rect
This attribute is used for the right of the rect.
root — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.NodeIterator
Returns the node that is the root of what the NodeIterator traverses.
root — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.TreeWalker
The root node of the TreeWalker, as specified when it was created.
routeEvent() — method, class dom.Window
routeEvent(event:dom.events:Event) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Used inside an event handler function, this method lets the event pass to its intended target object.
rowIndex — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
Modified in DOM Level 2 This is in logical order and not in document order.
rows — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFrameSetElement
The number of rows of frames in the frameset.
rows — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableElement
Returns a collection of all the rows in the table, including all in THEAD, TFOOT, all TBODY elements.
rows — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
The collection of rows in this table section.
rows — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
Number of text rows.
rowSpan — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
Number of rows spanned by cell.
rules — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableElement
Specifies which internal table borders to render.
rules — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleSheet
Retrieves a collection of rules defined in a style sheet.
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