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x — Property, interface cssom.view.MouseEventView |
Returns the value of pageX. |
x — Property, class dom.events.MouseEvent |
Returns the value of pageX. |
xml — Property, class dom.core.Node |
Contains the XML representation of the node and all its descendants. |
xmlEncoding — Property, class dom.core.Document |
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the encoding of
this document. |
xmlEncoding — Property, class dom.core.Entity |
An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the encoding of
this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. |
xmlStandalone — Property, class dom.core.Document |
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, whether this
document is standalone. |
xmlVersion — Property, class dom.core.Document |
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the version
number of this document. |
xmlVersion — Property, class dom.core.Entity |
An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the version number
of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. |
XPathEvaluator — Interface, package dom.xpath |
The evaluation of XPath expressions is provided by XPathEvaluator. |
XPathException — Interface, package dom.xpath |
A new exception has been created for exceptions specific to these XPath interfaces. |
XPathExceptionCode — class, package dom.xpath |
An integer indicating the type of error generated. |
XPathExpression — Interface, package dom.xpath |
The XPathExpression interface represents a parsed and resolved XPath expression. |
XPathNamespace — class, package dom.xpath |
The XPathNamespace interface is returned by XPathResult interfaces to represent the XPath namespace node type
that DOM lacks. |
XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE — Constant Static Property, class dom.xpath.XPathNamespace |
An integer indicating which type of node this is. |
XPathNSResolver — Interface, package dom.xpath |
The XPathNSResolver interface permit prefix strings in the expression to be properly bound to
namespaceURI strings. |
XPathResult — class, package dom.xpath |
The XPathResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath 1.0 expression
within the context of a particular node. |
XPCNativeWrapper() — method, class dom.Window |
XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper() — method, class dom.Window |
XSLDocument — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument |
Retrieves a reference to the top-level node of the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) document. |
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