A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
saveXML(snode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.core.Document |
Save the document or the given node to a string (i.e. |
saveXML(snode:dom.core:Node) — method, interface dom.loadsave.DocumentLS |
Save the document or the given node to a string (i.e. |
scheme — Property, class dom.html.HTMLMetaElement |
Select form of content. |
scheme — Property, class gecko.nsIURI |
The scheme is the protocol to which this URI refers. |
schemeIs(scheme:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class gecko.nsIURI |
Quickly reports whether the nsIURI represents a URI with the specified
scheme. |
schemeTypeInfo — Property, class dom.core.Attr |
The type information associated with this attribute. |
schemeTypeInfo — Property, class dom.core.Element |
DOM Level 3 | None
The type information associated with this element. |
scope — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement |
Scope covered by header cells. |
screen — Property, interface cssom.view.WindowView |
Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window. |
screen — Property, class dom.Window |
Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window. |
Screen — Interface, package cssom.view |
Has properties that hold information about the screen. |
screenX — Property, interface cssom.view.MouseEventView |
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole. |
screenX — Property, interface cssom.view.WindowView |
Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen. |
screenX — Property, class dom.Window |
Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen. |
screenX — Property, class dom.events.MouseEvent |
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole. |
screenY — Property, interface cssom.view.MouseEventView |
Returns the vertical coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole. |
screenY — Property, interface cssom.view.WindowView |
Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top edge of the screen. |
screenY — Property, class dom.Window |
Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top edge of the screen. |
screenY — Property, class dom.events.MouseEvent |
Returns the vertical coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole. |
scripts — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument |
Returns an HTMLCollection object containing one or more HTMLScriptElements or null which represent the <script> elements in the current document. |
scroll(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document. |
scroll — Event, class dom.core.Document |
A document view or an element has been scrolled. |
scroll — Event, class dom.core.Element |
A document view or an element has been scrolled. |
scroll — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent |
A document view or an element has been scrolled. |
scrollbars — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the scrollbars object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. |
scrollBy(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount. |
scrollByLines(lines:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Scrolls the document by the given number of lines. |
scrollByPages(pages:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages. |
scrollHeight — Property, interface cssom.view.ElementView |
Height of the scroll view of an element; it includes the element padding but not its margin. |
scrollHeight — Property, class dom.core.Element |
Height of the scroll view of an element; it includes the element padding but not its margin. |
scrolling — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFrameElement |
Specify whether or not the frame should have scrollbars. |
scrolling — Property, class dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement |
Specify whether or not the frame should have scrollbars. |
scrollIntoView(alignToTop:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Causes the object to scroll into view, aligning it either at the top
or bottom of the window. |
scrollLeft — Property, interface cssom.view.ElementView |
Gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left. |
scrollLeft — Property, class dom.core.Element |
Gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left. |
scrollMaxX — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled horizontally. |
scrollMaxY — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the maximum number of pixels that the document can be scrolled vertically. |
scrollTo(xCoord:Number, yCoord:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document. |
scrollTop — Property, interface cssom.view.ElementView |
Gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward. |
scrollTop — Property, class dom.core.Element |
Gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward. |
scrollWidth — Property, interface cssom.view.ElementView |
Returns either the width in pixels of the content of an element or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater. |
scrollWidth — Property, class dom.core.Element |
Returns either the width in pixels of the content of an element or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater. |
scrollX — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally. |
scrollY — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically. |
search — Property, class dom.objects.Location |
The part of the URL that follows the ? symbol, including the ? symbol. |
sectionRowIndex — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement |
Modified in DOM Level 2
The index of this row, relative to the current section (THEAD, TFOOT, or TBODY), starting from 0. |
securityPolicy — Property, class dom.objects.Navigator |
Returns an empty string. |
select — Event, class dom.core.Element |
A user selects some text. |
select — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.Event |
A user selects some text. |
select — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent |
A user selects some text. |
select() — method, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement |
Select the contents of the text area. |
select() — method, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement |
Select the contents of the TEXTAREA. |
selectAllChildren(parentNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.objects.Selection |
Adds all the children of the specified node to the selection. |
selected — Property, class dom.html.HTMLOptionElement |
Represents the current state of the corresponding form control, in an interactive user agent. |
selectedIndex — Property, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement |
The ordinal index of the selected option, starting from 0. |
selectedStyleSheetSet — Property, class dom.core.Document |
This attribute indicates which style sheet set is in use. |
selectedStyleSheetSet — Property, interface dom.style.stylesheets.DocumentStyle |
This attribute indicates which style sheet set is in use. |
selection — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument |
Represents the active selection, which is a highlighted block of text or other elements in the document
that a user or a script can carry out some action on. |
Selection — class, package dom.objects |
Selection is the class of the object returned by window.getSelection() and other methods. |
selectionLanguageChange() — method, class dom.objects.Selection |
selectNode(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Select a node and its contents
selectNodeContents(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Select the contents within a node
Note: The parent Node of the start and end of the Range will be the referenceNode. |
selectNodes(queryString:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Node |
Applies the specified pattern-matching operation to this node's context and returns the list of matching nodes as IXMLDOMNodeList. |
selectors — package |
| |
selectorText — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSPageRule |
The parsable textual representation of the page selector for the rule. |
selectorText — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleRule |
The textual representation of the selector for the rule set. |
selectSingleNode(queryString:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Node |
Applies the specified pattern-matching operation to this node's context and returns the first matching node. |
self — Property, class dom.Window |
Returns a self-reference. |
separator — Property, class dom.style.css.Counter |
This attribute is used for the separator of the nested counters. |
SERIALIZE_ERR — Constant Static Property, class dom.loadsave.LSExceptionCode |
If an attempt was made to serialize a Node using LSSerializer and the processing has been stopped. |
sessionStorage — Property, class dom.Window |
HTML5 | Firefox 3+
This is a global object (sessionStorage) that maintains a storage area that's available
for the duration of the page session. |
setActive() — method, class dom.core.Element |
Sets the object as active without setting focus to the object. |
setAttribute(name:dom.core.types:DOMString, value:Number, caseSensitive) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Sets the value of the specified attribute. |
setAttribute(attrName:dom.core.types:DOMString, value:Number, caseSensitive) — method, class dom.objects.UserProfile |
Sets the value of the specified attribute. |
setAttributeNode(attrNode:dom.core:Attr) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Sets an attribute object node as part of the object. |
setAttributeNodeNS(attrNode:dom.core:Attr) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Adds a new attribute node with the specified namespace and name. |
setAttributeNS(nameSpace:dom.core.types:DOMString, name:dom.core.types:DOMString, value) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the
given namespace and name. |
setCapture(containerCapture:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Sets the mouse capture to the object that belongs to the current document. |
setCursor(state:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Changes the cursor for the current window. |
setEnd(refNode:dom.core:Node, offset:Number) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the attributes describing the end of a Range. |
setEndAfter(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the end of a Range to be after a node
Note: The parent Node of end of the Range will be the same as that for the referenceNode. |
setEndBefore(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the end position to be before a node. |
setExpression(propertyName:dom.core.types:DOMString, expression:dom.core.types:DOMString, language:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Sets an expression for the specified object. |
setFloatValue(unitType:Number, floatValue:Number) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSPrimitiveValue |
A method to set the float value with a specified unit. |
setIdAttribute(name:dom.core.types:DOMString, isId:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element |
If the parameter isId is true, this method declares the specified
attribute to be a user-determined ID attribute. |
setIdAttributeNode(idAttr:dom.core:Attr, isId:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element |
If the parameter isId is true, this method declares the specified attribute
to be a user-determined ID attribute. |
setIdAttributeNS(nameSpaceURI:dom.core.types:DOMString, name:dom.core.types:DOMString, isId:Boolean) — method, class dom.core.Element |
If the parameter isId is true, this method declares the specified
attribute to be a user-determined ID attribute. |
setInterval(func:Function, delay:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Calls a function repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call to that function. |
setItem(key:dom.core.types:DOMString, data:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, interface webstorage.Storage |
Adds the data based on the key name. |
setNamedItem(arg:dom.core:Node) — method, interface dom.core.NamedNodeMap |
Adds (or replaces) a node by its nodeName. |
setNamedItemNS(arg:dom.core:Node) — method, interface dom.core.NamedNodeMap |
Adds (or replaces) a node by its localName and namespaceURI. |
setParameter(name:dom.core.types:DOMString, value:dom.core.types:DOMUserData) — method, interface dom.core.DOMConfiguration |
Set the value of a parameter. |
setProperty(propertyName:dom.core.types:DOMString, value:dom.core.types:DOMString, priority:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleDeclaration |
Used to set a property value and priority within this declaration block. |
setResizable() — method, class dom.Window |
setStart(refNode:dom.core:Node, offset:Number) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the attributes describing the start of the Range. |
setStartAfter(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the start position to be after a node
setStartBefore(refNode:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Sets the start position to be before a node
setStringValue(stringType:Number, stringValue:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.style.css.CSSPrimitiveValue |
A method to set the string value with the specified unit. |
setTimeout(func:Function, delay:Number) — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Executes a code snippet or a function after specified delay. |
setUserData(key:dom.core.types:DOMString, data:dom.core.types:DOMUserData, handler:dom.core:UserDataHandler) — method, class dom.core.Node |
Associate an object to a key on this node. |
severity — Property, class dom.core.DOMError |
The severity of the error, either SEVERITY_WARNING, SEVERITY_ERROR,
SEVERITY_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.DOMError |
The severity of the error described by the DOMError is error. |
SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.DOMError |
The severity of the error described by the DOMError is fatal error. |
SEVERITY_WARNING — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.DOMError |
The severity of the error described by the DOMError is warning. |
shape — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement |
The shape of the active area. |
shape — Property, class dom.html.HTMLAreaElement |
The shape of the active area. |
sheet — Property, class dom.style.stylesheets.LinkStyle |
The style sheet. |
shiftKey — Property, class dom.events.KeyboardEvent |
If the shift (Shift) key modifier is activated. |
shiftKey — Property, class dom.events.MouseEvent |
Refer to the KeyboardEvent.shiftKey attribute. |
SHOW_ALL — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show all Nodes. |
SHOW_ATTRIBUTE — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Attr nodes. |
SHOW_CDATA_SECTION — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show CDATASection nodes. |
SHOW_COMMENT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Comment nodes. |
SHOW_DOCUMENT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Document nodes. |
SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show DocumentFragment nodes. |
SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show DocumentType nodes. |
SHOW_ELEMENT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Element nodes. |
SHOW_ENTITY — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Entity nodes. |
SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show EntityReference nodes. |
showModalDialog(uri:dom.core.types:DOMString, arguments:dom.core.types:DOMString, options) — method, class dom.Window |
Non-Standard | IE4 Firefox3
Creates and displays a modal dialog box containing a specified HTML document. |
SHOW_NOTATION — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Notation nodes. |
SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show ProcessingInstruction nodes. |
SHOW_TEXT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter |
Show Text nodes. |
sidebar — Property, class dom.Window |
Non-Standard | Firefox
Returns a reference to the window object of the sidebar. |
Sidebar — class, package gecko.dom.objects |
| |
signText(stringToSign:dom.core.types:DOMString, caOption:dom.core.types:DOMString) — method, class dom.objects.Crypto |
singleNodeValue — Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult |
The value of this single node result, which may be null. |
size — Property, class dom.html.HTMLBaseFontElement |
Computed font size. |
size — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFontElement |
Computed font size. |
size — Property, class dom.html.HTMLHRElement |
The height of the rule. |
size — Property, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement |
Size information. |
size — Property, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement |
Number of visible rows. |
size — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
sizeToContent() — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Sizes the window according to its content. |
snapshotItem(index:Number) — method, class dom.xpath.XPathResult |
Returns the indexth item in the snapshot collection. |
snapshotLength — Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult |
The number of nodes in the result snapshot. |
source — Property, class dom.events.MessageEvent |
Returns the WindowProxy of the source window, for cross-document messaging. |
source — Property, class webstorage.StorageEvent |
The WindowProxy object of the browsing context of the document whose key changed. |
span — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableColElement |
Indicates the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping. |
speak — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
speakHeader — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
speakNumeral — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
speakPunctuation — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
spec — Property, class gecko.nsIURI |
Returns a string representation of the URI. |
specified — Property, class dom.core.Attr |
True if this attribute was explicitly given a value in the instance
document, false otherwise. |
specified — Property, class dom.core.Node |
Indicates whether the node (usually an attribute) is explicitly specified or derived
from a default value in the document type definition (DTD) or schema. |
speechRate — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
splitText(offset:Number) — method, class dom.core.Text |
Breaks the Text node into two nodes at the specified offset, keeping both
nodes in the tree as siblings. |
src — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFrameElement |
A URI designating the initial frame contents. |
src — Property, class dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement |
A URI designating the initial frame contents. |
src — Property, class dom.html.HTMLImageElement |
URI designating the source of this image. |
src — Property, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement |
When the type attribute has the value "image", this attribute specifies the
location of the image to be used to decorate the graphical submit button. |
src — Property, class dom.html.HTMLScriptElement |
URI designating an external script. |
standby — Property, class dom.html.HTMLObjectElement |
Message to render while loading the object. |
start — Property, class dom.html.HTMLOListElement |
Starting sequence number. |
start() — method, interface dom.objects.MessagePort |
Begins dispatching messages received on the port. |
startContainer — Property, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Node within which the Range begins. |
startElement(elementArg:dom.core:Element) — method, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter |
| |
startOffset — Property, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Offset within the starting node of the Range. |
START_TO_END — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Compare start boundary-point of sourceRange to end boundary-point of Range on which
compareBoundaryPoints is invoked. |
START_TO_START — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Compare start boundary-point of sourceRange to start boundary-point of Range on which
compareBoundaryPoints is invoked. |
status — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Sets the text in the status bar at the bottom of the browser or returns the previously set text. |
statusbar — Property, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
Returns the statusbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. |
stop() — method, class dom.Window |
DOM Level 0
This method stops window loading. |
stopImmediatePropogation() — method, class dom.events.Event |
Prevents other event listeners from being triggered and, unlike
Event.stopPropagation() its effect is immediate . |
stopPropogation() — method, class dom.events.Event |
Prevents other event listeners from being triggered but its effect is
deferred until all event listeners attached on the Event.currentTarget
have been triggered . |
Storage — Interface, package webstorage |
The DOM Storage mechanism is a means through which string key/value pairs can be securely stored and later
retrieved for use. |
storageArea — Property, class webstorage.StorageEvent |
The Storage object that was affected. |
StorageEvent — class, package webstorage |
Is fired when a storage area changes
stress — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties |
| |
strictErrorChecking — Property, class dom.core.Document |
An attribute specifying whether error checking is enforced or not. |
stringData — Property, interface dom.loadsave.LSInput |
| |
STRING_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult |
The result is a string as defined by [XPath 1.0]. |
stringValue — Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult |
The value of this string result. |
style — Property, class dom.html.HTMLElement |
Returns an object that represents the element's style attribute. |
style — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSFontFaceRule |
The declaration-block of this rule. |
style — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSPageRule |
The declaration-block of this rule. |
style — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSStyleRule |
The declaration-block of this rule set. |
style — Property, interface dom.style.css.ElementCSSInlineStyle |
Returns an object that represents the element's style attribute. |
STYLE_RULE — Constant Property, class dom.style.css.CSSRule |
The rule is a CSSStyleRule. |
styleSheet — Property, class dom.style.css.CSSImportRule |
The style sheet referred to by this rule, if it has been loaded. |
StyleSheet — class, package dom.style.stylesheets |
The StyleSheet interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet. |
StyleSheetList — class, package dom.style.stylesheets |
The StyleSheetList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of style sheets. |
styleSheets — Property, class dom.core.Document |
A list containing all the style sheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document. |
styleSheets — Property, interface dom.style.stylesheets.DocumentStyle |
A list containing all the style sheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document. |
styleSheetSets — Property, class dom.core.Document |
This must be a live list of the currently available style sheet sets. |
styleSheetSets — Property, interface dom.style.stylesheets.DocumentStyle |
This must be a live list of the currently available style sheet sets. |
submit — Event, class dom.core.Element |
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is submitted. |
submit — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.Event |
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is submitted. |
submit — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent |
A form, such as a [HTML 4.01] or [XHTML 1.0] form, is submitted. |
submit() — method, class dom.html.HTMLFormElement |
Submits the form. |
substringData(offset:Number, count:Number) — method, class dom.core.CharacterData |
Extracts a range of data from the node. |
suffixes — Property, class dom.objects.MimeType |
A string listing possible filename extensions for the MIME type, for example "mpeg, mpg, mpe, mpv, vbs, mpegv". |
summary — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableElement |
Description about the purpose or structure of a table. |
surroundContents(newParent:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.tr.range.Range |
Reparents the contents of the Range to the given node and inserts the node at the position of the start of the Range. |
swapNode(node:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.core.Element |
Exchanges the location of two objects in the document hierarchy. |
swapNode(node:dom.core:Node) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument |
Exchanges the location of two objects in the document hierarchy. |
SYNTAX_ERR — Constant Static Property, class dom.core.ExceptionCode |
If an invalid or illegal string is specified. |
systemId — Property, class dom.core.DocumentType |
The system identifier of the external subset. |
systemId — Property, class dom.core.Entity |
The system identifier associated with the entity if specified, and null
otherwise. |
systemId — Property, class dom.core.Notation |
The system identifier of this notation. |
systemId — Property, interface dom.loadsave.LSInput |
| |
systemId — Property, interface dom.loadsave.LSOutput |
| |
systemLanguage — Property, class dom.objects.Navigator |
Retrieves the default language used by the operating system. |
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