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face — Property, class dom.html.HTMLBaseFontElement
Font face identifier.
face — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFontElement
Font face identifier.
fgColor — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Gets/sets the foreground color, or text color, of the current document.
fileCreatedDate — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Retrieves the date the file was created.
fileModifiedDate — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Retrieves the date the file was last modified.
filename — Property, class dom.objects.Plugin
Name of the plug-in file on disk.
fileSize — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Retrieves the file size.
filter — Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParser
filter — Property, interface dom.loadsave.LSSerializer
filter — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.NodeIterator
Returns an object with a method acceptNode(node).
filter — Property, interface dom.tr.traversal.TreeWalker
The filter used to screen nodes.
FILTER_ACCEPT — Constant Static Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter
Accept the node.
FILTER_ACCEPT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter
Accept the node.
FILTER_INTERRUPT — Constant Static Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter
Interrupt the normal processing of the document.
FILTER_REJECT — Constant Static Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter
Reject the node and its children.
FILTER_REJECT — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter
Reject the node.
FILTER_SKIP — Constant Static Property, class dom.loadsave.LSParserFilter
Skip this single node.
FILTER_SKIP — Constant Static Property, class dom.tr.traversal.NodeFilter
Skip this single node.
find(string:dom.core.types:DOMString, caseSensitive:Boolean, backwards:Boolean, wrapAround:Boolean, wholeWord:Boolean, searchInFrames:Boolean, showDialog:Boolean) — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Finds a string in a window.
fireEvent(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, event:Object) — method, class dom.core.Element
Fires a specified event on the object.
fireEvent(type:dom.core.types:DOMString, event:Object) — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Fires a specified event on the object.
firstChild — Property, class dom.core.Node
Returns the node's first child in the tree, or null if the node is childless.
firstChild() — method, interface dom.tr.traversal.TreeWalker
Moves the TreeWalker to the first visible child of the current node, and returns the new node.
firstElementChild — Property, class dom.core.Element
Returns the first child element node of this element.
firstElementChild — Property, interface elementtraversal.ElementTraversal
Returns the first child element node of this element.
FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class dom.xpath.XPathResult
The result is a node set as defined by [XPath 1.0] and will be accessed as a single node, which may be null if the node set is empty.
focus() — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Sets focus on the window.
focus — Event, class dom.core.Element
An event target receives focus.
focus — Constant Static Property, class dom.events.UIEvent
An event target receives focus.
focus() — method, class dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
focus() — method, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Causes the element to receive the focus and executes the code specified by the onfocus event.
focus() — method, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
focus() — method, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
Causes the element to receive the focus and executes the code specified by the onfocus event.
focus() — method, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
Gives keyboard focus to this element.
focusNode — Property, class dom.objects.Selection
Returns the node in which the selection ends.
focusOffset — Property, class dom.objects.Selection
Returns the number of characters that the selection's focus is offset within the focusNode.
font — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
FONT_FACE_RULE — Constant Property, class dom.style.css.CSSRule
The rule is a CSSFontFaceRule.
fontFamily — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontSize — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontSizeAdjust — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontStretch — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontStyle — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontVariant — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
fontWeight — Property, interface dom.style.css.CSS2Properties
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFieldSetElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLInputElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLIsIndexElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLLabelElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLLegendElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
form — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
Returns the FORM element containing this control.
forms — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
A collection of all the forms of a document.
forward() — method, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Moves the window one document forward in the history.
forward() — method, class dom.objects.History
Goes to the next page in session history, the same action as when the user clicks the browser's Forward button.
frame — Property, class dom.html.HTMLTableElement
Specifies which external table borders to render.
frameBorder — Property, class dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
Request frame borders.
frameBorder — Property, class dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
Request frame borders.
frameElement — Property, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Returns the element (such as <iframe> or <object>) in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is top-level.
frames — Property, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 Returns an array-like object, listing the direct sub-frames of the current window.
frames — Property, class dom.html.HTMLDocument
Retrieves a collection of all window objects defined by the given document or defined by the document associated with the given window.
fullscreen — Event, class dom.core.Element
Gecko-Specific Undocumented
fullScreen — Property, class dom.Window
DOM Level 0 | Firefox 3+ This property indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not.
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